publication venue for
- Strengthening of Al2O3/6061Al particulate composite at liquid nitrogen temperature. 33:1423-1429. 1995
- Scale dependent composite design charts. 32:133-138. 1995
- On a pseudo-Portevin-Le Chatelier effect. 31:185-190. 1994
- On the influence of strain rate sensitivity on wear in the Archard regime. 30:1455-1460. 1994
- The effect of strain rate sensitivity on dynamic friction of metals. 30:1449-1454. 1994
- Higher order approximations in the Shi-Seinfeld-Okuyama description of transient nucleation. 29:1535-1540. 1993
- On the influence of plastic deformation on discontinuous precipitation in MgAl. 29:1593-1596. 1993
- Static versus propagative plastic strain localisations. 29:1165-1170. 1993
- The thermal ratchetting of hydrogen in zirconium-niobium — An illustration using finite element modelling. 29:335-340. 1993
- A note on particle comminution at large plastic strains in Al-SiC composites. 28:47-51. 1993
- Grain boundary diffusion in ternary systems. 27:1657-1662. 1992
- On solute drag in the massive transformation. 27:1753-1757. 1992
- Some views on the influence of strain path on recrystallization. 27:1465-1470. 1992
- Strain localization during a hot compression test of Cu-Ni-Cr-Si-Mg alloy. 27:1735-1740. 1992
- Micromechanical descriptions of heavily deformed materials. 27:981-986. 1992
- A note on the deformation of fine grained magnesium alloys. 27:139-142. 1992
- Synthesis and characterization of quasicrystals in an Al-Fe-W alloy. 27:111-116. 1992
- Planar to cellular transition during solidification in ternary systems. 26:1157-1161. 1992
- Steady discontinuous precipitation at moving line defects. 26:359-362. 1992
- Elastic energy and the solute drag effect. 24:1831-1835. 1990
- Sliding and abrasive wear behaviour of an aluminum (2014)-SiC particle reinforced composite. 24:931-935. 1990
- The identification of titanium sulphide and carbosulphide in ultra-low carbon steels. 24:375-380. 1990
- On the steady-state particle size distributions during coarsening. 24:163-166. 1990