publication venue for
- Critiquing representations of intellectual disability in occupation-based literature. 31:2289897. 2024
- Bridging the transition from homelessness: Developing an occupational therapy framework. 30:953-969. 2023
- Competencies for occupational therapy practice in homelessness: A Delphi study. 30:924-938. 2023
- Occupational therapy’s contributions to combating climate change and lifestyle diseases. 30:992-999. 2023
- Occupational experiences of homelessness: A systematic review and meta-aggregation. 27:394-407. 2020
- Doing what’s right: A grounded theory of ethical decision-making in occupational therapy. 27:98-111. 2020
- Client-centred occupational therapy with children: A critical perspective. 22:318-321. 2015
- Contradictions in client-centred discharge planning: through the lens of relational autonomy. 22:293-301. 2015
- Thinking critically about client-centred practice and occupational possibilities across the life-span. 22:252-259. 2015
- Participation of children with physical disabilities: relationships with diagnosis, physical function, and demographic variables. 11:156-162. 2004