publication venue for
- Establishing the Bongani Mayosi Summer School of Academic Mentorship - an idea to honour Bongani Mayosi′s legacy of mentorship and capacity building in Africa 2023
- Antithrombotic therapy in the new millennium - the role of low-molecular-weight heparin 1999
- Piloting a tool for informed consent comprehension in a cardiovascular clinical trial in South Africa: An IMPI-2 pilot trial substudy (ICC Study). 113:1095-1103. 2023
- The impact of HIV co-infection on presentation and outcome in adults with tuberculous pericarditis: Findings from the IMPI trial. 113:1109-1115. 2023
- The severe presentation and poor outcomes of rheumatic heart disease in Namibia: Lessons from the REMEDY study. 113:1104-1108. 2023
- A critical analysis of Discovery Health’s claims-based risk adjustment of mortality rates in South African private sector hospitals. 113:13-16. 2022
- Clinical spectrum and prevalence of congenital heart disease in children in Botswana. 31:37-41. 2020
- Transmission of respiratory viruses when using public ground transport: A rapid review to inform public health recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic.. 110:478-483. 2020
- Home therapy for inherited bleeding disorders in South Africa: Results of a modified Delphi consensus process. 109:639-639. 2019
- Bongani Mayosi, a hero remembered.. 29:206. 2018
- Distribution of hepatitis B virus infection in Namibia. 107:882-882. 2017
- Nuclear cardiology practices and radiation exposure in Africa: results from the IAEA Nuclear Cardiology Protocols Study (INCAPS). 28:229-234. 2017
- Doppler echocardiographic indices in aortic coarctation : a comparison of profiles before and after stenting : cardiovascular topic. 23:483-490. 2012
- State hospitals, academic medicine and the decline of health care in South Africa: A cry of support from those who have left for those who stay.. 100:74-74. 2010
- Prevalence and morphological types of anaemia and hookworm infestation in the medical emergency ward, Mulago Hospital, Uganda.. 99:881-886. 2009
- Prevalence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors among Nigerians with stroke.. 18:290-294. 2007
- Employment contracts for South African doctors.. 95:542. 2005
- Antithrombotic therapy in the new millennium - The role of low-molecular-weight heparin. 89. 1999
- The value of high-dose-rate microsource brachytherapy in the treatment of oesophageal carcinoma.. 87:81-82. 1997
- Some issues in screening, staging and treatment of oesophageal cancer.. 85:182. 1995
- Treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer by high-dose-rate intraluminal brachytherapy.. 84:366-367. 1994
- Atypical appearance of metastatic disease to the femoral head.. 83:867-869. 1993
- The value of computed tomography in Kienbock's disease.. 81:435. 1992
- Computed tomographic appearance of an intraspinal synovial cyst.. 80:463. 1991
- 'Pathological' fracture of the femur--a complication of failed total hip arthroplasty.. 79:202-205. 1991
- Comparison between umbilical artery and vein endogenous digoxin-like immuno-active factor levels in normal and pre-eclamptic patients.. 79:197-199. 1991
- Achilles tendon ossification and fracture.. 79:170. 1991
- Computed tomography appearances of sagittal sinus thrombosis in a neonate.. 79:109. 1991
- Findings on computed tomography of the chest in lymphangiomyomatosis.. 79:53-54. 1991
- Computed tomography scans of herniated discs.. 77:592-593. 1990
- Computed tomographic appearances of a posterior lumbar apophyseal ring fracture.. 77:427. 1990
- Calcaneal fractures in children.. 76:53-54. 1989
- Computerised tomographic appearance of a watershed infarct.. 74:373-374. 1988
- Miliary patterns in malignant melanoma.. 74:86-87. 1988
- Influence of disodium etidronate on Paget's disease of bone.. 72:470-472. 1987
- Computed tomography findings in methanol intoxication.. 71:800. 1987
- Chronic pancreatitis presenting as protracted abdominal pain in infancy and childhood.. 71:194. 1987
- Prognostic factors in patients with small-cell carcinoma of the lung.. 70:812-814. 1986
- Computed tomographic findings in Fahr's disease.. 70:704-705. 1986
- Hypothyroidism presenting as growth retardation. A case report.. 69:193-195. 1986
- Radiographic and computed tomographic findings in lipid proteinosis. A case report.. 65:734-735. 1984
- Experimental porphyria. I. The experimental porphyrias--a group of distinctive metabolic lesions.. 68-72. 1971
- The acute porphyric attack. I. The electrolyte disorder of the acute porphyric attack and the possible role of delta-aminolaevulic acid.. 89-97. 1971
- Analysis of porphyrin methyl esters by thin-layer chromatography and fluorimetric scanning.. 41:460-463. 1967
- The diagnostic importance of faecal porphyrins in the differentiation of the porphyrias. 3. South African genetic porphyria (variegcte porphyria)--the acute attack.. 40:380-382. 1966
- Hypothesis: the nature of dominantly inherited metabolic diseases.. 39:1075. 1965