publication venue for
- Therapist verification of patient self-concepts as a responsive precondition for early alliance development and subsequent introject change. 35:1-15. 2025
- Do patients internalize the positive regard they are offered? A dyadic test of a Rogerian condition. ahead-of-print:1-11. 2024
- Therapist affiliation and hostility in cognitive–behavioral therapy with and without motivational interviewing for severe generalized anxiety disorder. 32:598-610. 2022
- Client reflections on confirmation and disconfirmation of expectations in cognitive behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder with and without motivational interviewing. 29:723-736. 2019
- Specific and common processes as mediators of the long-term effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy integrated with motivational interviewing for generalized anxiety disorder. 29:213-225. 2019
- Client interpersonal impacts as mediators of long-term outcome in cognitive-behavioral therapy integrated with motivational interviewing for generalized anxiety disorder. 28:861-872. 2018
- Patient–therapist convergence in alliance ratings as a predictor of outcome in psychotherapy for generalized anxiety disorder. 28:969-984. 2018
- The impact of resistance on empathy in CBT for generalized anxiety disorder. 28:606-615. 2018
- Predicting individual change during the course of treatment. 26:623-631. 2016
- An exploratory study of the relationship between changes in emotion and cognitive processes and treatment outcome in borderline personality disorder. 23:658-673. 2013
- Baseline patient characteristics as predictors of remission in interpersonal psychotherapy for depression. 23:190-200. 2013
- The Working Alliance in Client-Centered and Process-Experiential Therapy of Depression. 11:221-233. 2001