publication venue for
- Face Perception During Early Infancy 1999
- Visual Perception Is Highly Flexible and Context Dependent in Young Infants: A Case of Top-Down-Modulated Motion Perception. 34:875-886. 2023
- iGen or shyGen? Generational Differences in Shyness. 34:705-713. 2023
- Predictive Uncertainty Underlies Auditory Boundary Perception. 32:1416-1425. 2021
- The Role of School Principals in Shaping Children’s Values. 27:1539-1549. 2016
- The Missing-Phoneme Effect in Aural Prose Comprehension. 27:1019-1026. 2016
- Concreteness and Psychological Distance in Natural Language Use. 26:1449-1460. 2015
- Are Orchids Left and Dandelions Right? Frontal Brain Activation Asymmetry and Its Sensitivity to Developmental Context. 25:1526-1533. 2014
- Adaptation to Faces and Voices. 24:2297-2305. 2013
- Females Scan More Than Males. 24:1157-1163. 2013
- Superior Identification of Familiar Visual Patterns a Year After Learning. 22:724-730. 2011
- Changes in EEG Cross-Frequency Coupling During Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder. 22:507-516. 2011
- A Variable-Number-of-Tandem-Repeats Polymorphism in the Dopamine D4 Receptor Gene Affects Social Adaptation of Alcohol Use. 21:1064-1068. 2010
- Holistic Processing Is Not Correlated With Face-Identification Accuracy. 21:38-43. 2010
- Linking Gene, Brain, and Behavior. 20:831-837. 2009
- Are Juvenile Offenders Extreme Future Discounters?. 17:989-994. 2006
- Becoming a Face Expert. 17:930-934. 2006
- Integrating Gaze Direction and Expression in Preferences for Attractive Faces. 17:588-591. 2006
- Evidence for a Gene-Environment Interaction in Predicting Behavioral Inhibition in Middle Childhood. 16:921-926. 2005
- What Children Are Looking at During Shared Storybook Reading. 16:913-920. 2005
- Visual Memory Decay Is Deterministic. 16:769-774. 2005
- Impairment in Holistic Face Processing Following Early Visual Deprivation. 15:762-768. 2004
- Which Route to Recovery?. 15:729-735. 2004
- Lightness Constancy: A Direct Test of the Illumination-Estimation Hypothesis. 13:142-149. 2002
- Generalized Common Fate: Grouping by Common Luminance Changes. 12:437-444. 2001
- The Spatial Distribution of Inhibition of Return. 12:76-80. 2001
- Is Infant-Directed Speech Prosody a Result of the Vocal Expression of Emotion?. 11:188-195. 2000
- On the Difficulty of Noticing Obvious Features in Patient Appearance. 11:112-117. 2000
- Frontal Brain Electrical Activity in Shyness and Sociability. 10:316-320. 1999
- Can Imitation in Pigeons be Explained by Local Enhancement Together with Trial-and-Error Learning?. 8:459-460. 1997
- Rediscovering the Past: Gustav Fechner and Signal Detection Theory. 5:335-340. 1994
- Local and Global Processes in Visual Completion. 5:260-267. 1994