publication venue for
- On the outside looking in: nurses in gerontology: a qualitative descriptive study of the lived experiences of older women with depression living in long-term care.. 33:5-12. 2009
- Pain management practices with older adults on acute medical units.. 32:5-12. 2008
- "Sometimes it's nice to be a senior": qualitative study of the VON Shopping By Bus Program.. 31:5-10. 2007
- Are new RN graduates prepared for gerontological nursing practice? Current perceptions and future directions.. 30:4-10. 2006
- Initial student experiences in long term care: a reflection.. 29:22-24. 2005
- Continuous gastrostomy tube feedings and the head of the bed dilemma: how low can you go?. 28:6-9. 2004
- Promoting oral hygiene: a pilot project partnership.. 27:14-18. 2003
- The assessment of pain in the cognitively impaired elderly: a literature review.. 22:2-8. 1998
- Attitudes training issues and barriers for community nurses implementing an advance directive program.. 21:2-8. 1997
- Reduction of restraint use through policy implementation and education.. 19:3-8. 1995