publication venue for
- If and when: intrinsic differences and environmental stressors influence migration in brown trout (Salmo trutta). 184:375-384. 2017
- Bacteria influence mountain pine beetle brood development through interactions with symbiotic and antagonistic fungi: implications for climate-driven host range expansion. 179:467-485. 2015
- Instantaneous-to-daily GPP upscaling schemes based on a coupled photosynthesis-stomatal conductance model: correcting the overestimation of GPP by directly using daily average meteorological inputs. 176:703-714. 2014
- Population synchrony decreases with richness and increases with environmental fluctuations in an experimental metacommunity. 171:237-247. 2013
- Multiple defender effects: synergistic coral defense by mutualist crustaceans. 169:1095-1103. 2012
- Does genetic introgression improve female reproductive performance? A test on the endangered Florida panther. 168:289-300. 2012
- Larval amphibian growth and development under varying density: are parasitized individuals poor competitors?. 155:641-649. 2008
- Phenotypic selection on leaf water use efficiency and related ecophysiological traits for natural populations of desert sunflowers. 152:13-25. 2007
- Network metrics reveal differences in social organization between two fission–fusion species, Grevy’s zebra and onager. 151:140-149. 2007
- Size correction: comparing morphological traits among populations and environments. 148:547-554. 2006
- Using stable isotope analysis with telemetry or mark-recapture data to identify fish movement and foraging. 144:636-646. 2005
- Food caching and differential cache pilferage: a field study of coexistence of sympatric kangaroo rats and pocket mice. 128:577-584. 2001
- Prevalence and impact of a virulent parasite on a tripartite mutualism. 128:99-106. 2001
- Conflict between antipredator and antiparasite behaviour in larval damselflies. 109:622-628. 1997
- Effects of recent experience on foraging decisions by bumble bees. 94:244-246. 1993
- Causes of a non-random pairing by size in the brine shrimp, Artemia salina: (Crustacea: Anostraca). 91:214-219. 1992
- Condition and fecundity of the damselfly, Enallagma ebrium (Hagen): the importance of ectoparasites. 86:335-341. 1991
- Condition and size of damselflies: a field study of food limitation. 81:111-119. 1989
- Effects of size on predation risk, behavioural response to fish, and cost of reduced feeding in larval Ischnura verticalis (Coenagrionidae: Odonata). 76:200-205. 1988
- Foraging behavior of three bee species in a natural mimicry system: female flowers which mimic male flowers in Ecballium elaterium (Cucurbitaceae). 74:256-263. 1987
- Bioerosion of corals and the influence of damselfish territoriality: A preliminary study. 52:376-380. 1982
- Behavioural interactions and use of feeding areas by nymphs of Coenagrion resolutum (Coenagrionidae: Odonata). 49:353-358. 1981