publication venue for
- Comparison of the Subchannel Code CTF to Steady-State and Transient Heat Transfer Experiments at Intermediate Pressures in Water 2019
- Energetic Liquid Droplet Boiling on High-Temperature Metal Surfaces 2019
- A BEPU Analysis Separating Epistemic and Aleatory Errors to Compute Accurate Dryout Power Uncertainties 2013
- Developments Toward Mechanistic Modeling of Critical Heat Flux on a CANDU Calandria Tube Following Pressure Tube Contact 2013
- Mixed-Field Neutron-Gamma Dosimetry with an Electronic Personal Gamma Dosimeter 2011
- Representation of a Low-Yield Nuclear Weapon Neutron Spectrum Using an (α,n) Neutron Source 2011
- Thermal-Hydraulic Aspects of Progression to Severe Accidents in CANDU Reactors 2009
- Development of Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables for the Advanced CANDU Reactor 2007
- Applying Shapley Effect for Sensitivity Analysis During Reactor Transient. ahead-of-print. 2025
- Rewetting Delay Time During Jet Impingement Quench Cooling of Hot Curved Surfaces. 208:520-538. 2022
- On the Amount of Moderation in the CANDU Lattice. 207:1633-1638. 2021
- Foreword: Selected papers from the 2018 International Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics (ATH 2018). 206:III-IV. 2020
- Behavior of Transuranic Mixed-Oxide Fuel in a CANDU-900 Reactor. 183:30-44. 2013
- Foreword: Special Issue on the 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics. 181:1-1. 2013
- PARET-ANL Modeling of a SPERT-IV Experiment under Different Departure from Nucleate Boiling Correlations. 177:119-131. 2012
- Assessment of Steam Generator Tube Flaw Size and Leak Rate Models. 167:157-168. 2009
- Lookup Tables for Predicting CHF and Film-Boiling Heat Transfer: Past, Present, and Future. 152:87-104. 2005
- Detection and Localization of Money Bills Concealed Behind Wooden Walls Using Compton Scattering. 150:196-202. 2005
- A Two-Phase Flow Regime Map for a Maple-Type Nuclear Research Reactor Fuel Channel: Effect of Hexagonal Finned Bundle. 118:151-161. 1997
- Determination of Time-Dependent Void Fraction Distribution in Bubbly Two-Phase Flow by A Real-Time Neutron Radiography Technique. 109:132-141. 1995
- Application of Generation and Condensation Models to Predict Subcooled Boiling Void at Low Pressures. 98:366-378. 1992
- CANDU-600 Heat Transport System Flow Stability. 75:239-260. 1986
- Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in Horizontal Interconnected Subchannels. 71:375-385. 1985
- Bruce Nuclear Generating Station B Rapid Cooldown Test and Validation of Simulation Model. 70:364-375. 1985
- Authors. 46:379-390. 1979
- Space-Time Neutronic Analysis of Postulated Loss-of-Coolant Accidents in CANDU Reactors. 46:507-516. 1979
- Neutron Radiography of Fast Transient Processes. 31:250-256. 1976