publication venue for
- Improved ERO modelling of beryllium erosion at ITER upper first wall panel using JET-ILW and PISCES-B experience. 19:510-515. 2019
- Modelling of the effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W divertor of JET. 19:397-402. 2019
- RF sheath modeling of experimentally observed plasma surface interactions with the JET ITER-Like Antenna. 19:324-329. 2019
- Beryllium global erosion and deposition at JET-ILW simulated with ERO2.0. 18:331-338. 2019
- Impact of ICRF on the scrape-off layer and on plasma wall interactions: From present experiments to fusion reactor. 18:131-140. 2019
- On the role of finite grid extent in SOLPS-ITER edge plasma simulations for JET H-mode discharges with metallic wall. 17:174-181. 2018
- An analytical expression for ion velocities at the wall including the sheath electric field and surface biasing for erosion modeling at JET ILW. 12:341-345. 2017
- Energy balance in JET. 12:227-233. 2017
- Expanding the role of impurity spectroscopy for investigating the physics of high-Z dissipative divertors. 12:91-99. 2017
- High power neon seeded JET discharges: Experiments and simulations. 12:882-886. 2017
- Plasma edge and plasma-wall interaction modelling: Lessons learned from metallic devices. 12:3-17. 2017
- Possible influence of near SOL plasma on the H-mode power threshold. 12:273-277. 2017
- Progress in reducing ICRF-specific impurity release in ASDEX upgrade and JET. 12:1194-1198. 2017
- The isotope effect on divertor conditions and neutral pumping in horizontal divertor configurations in JET-ILW Ohmic plasmas. 12:791-797. 2017
- Improved ERO modelling for spectroscopy of physically and chemically assisted eroded beryllium from the JET-ILW. 9:604-609. 2016