publication venue for
- Explainable artificial intelligence evolves antimicrobial peptides.. 10:267-269. 2025
- Exploiting the fitness cost of metallo-β-lactamase expression can overcome antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens.. 10:53-65. 2025
- Inhibiting fatty acid synthesis overcomes colistin resistance. 8:1026-1038. 2023
- Inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis counter resistance to last-resort antibiotic colistin. 8:1006-1007. 2023
- Multi-omics analyses of airway host–microbe interactions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease identify potential therapeutic interventions. 7:1361-1375. 2022
- ClpP inhibitors are produced by a widespread family of bacterial gene clusters. 7:451-462. 2022
- Fetal meconium does not have a detectable microbiota before birth. 6:865-873. 2021
- Emergence of invasive Salmonella in Africa. 6:273-274. 2021
- Large freshwater phages with the potential to augment aerobic methane oxidation. 5:1504-1515. 2020
- Heads or tails for type V pilus assembly. 5:782-784. 2020
- Culture-enriched metagenomic sequencing enables in-depth profiling of the cystic fibrosis lung microbiota. 5:379-390. 2020
- Mimicking the human environment in mice reveals that inhibiting biotin biosynthesis is effective against antibiotic-resistant pathogens. 5:93-101. 2020
- Bacterial metabolic state more accurately predicts antibiotic lethality than growth rate. 4:2109-2117. 2019
- Phylogenetic reconciliation reveals the natural history of glycopeptide antibiotic biosynthesis and resistance. 4:1862-1871. 2019
- Phospholipid middle management. 4:1608-1609. 2019
- Drug repurposing for antimicrobial discovery. 4:565-577. 2019
- Mechanism of loading and translocation of type VI secretion system effector Tse6. 3:1142-1152. 2018
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa defends against phages through type IV pilus glycosylation. 3:47-52. 2018
- An anti-CRISPR from a virulent streptococcal phage inhibits Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9. 2:1374-1380. 2017
- Pentamidine sensitizes Gram-negative pathogens to antibiotics and overcomes acquired colistin resistance. 2:17028. 2017
- Bacterial evolution: Making a host-adapted bacterium. 1:16010. 2016
- Bacteria grow using both polar and dispersed cell wall synthesis