publication venue for
- Supervised deep learning for content-aware image retargeting with Fourier Convolutions. 83:83611-83627. 2024
- Aesthetic-aware image retargeting based on foreground–background separation and PSO optimization. 83:34867-34886. 2024
- SFI-Swin: symmetric face inpainting with swin transformer by distinctly learning face components distributions. 1-15. 2024
- Correction: Robust watermarking using diffusion of logo into auto-encoder feature maps. 82:45203-45203. 2023
- Robust watermarking using diffusion of logo into auto-encoder feature maps. 82:45175-45201. 2023
- Single image rain/snow removal using distortion type information. 81:14105-14131. 2022
- Neural network solution for a real-time no-reference video quality assessment of H.264/AVC video bitstreams. 81:2409-2427. 2022
- No-reference stereo image quality assessment based on discriminative sparse representation. 80:33033-33053. 2021
- Context-aware saliency detection for image retargeting using convolutional neural networks. 80:11917-11941. 2021
- Aerial image dehazing using a deep convolutional autoencoder. 79:29493-29511. 2020
- Cloud/haze detection in airborne videos using a convolutional neural network. 79:28587-28601. 2020
- BlessMark: a blind diagnostically-lossless watermarking framework for medical applications based on deep neural networks. 79:22473-22495. 2020
- A common subgraph correspondence mining framework for map search services. 78:747-766. 2019
- Hierarchical watermarking framework based on analysis of local complexity variations. 77:30865-30890. 2018
- Pyramidal modeling of geometric distortions for retargeted image quality evaluation. 77:13799-13820. 2018
- Robust image watermarking scheme using bit-plane of hadamard coefficients. 77:2033-2055. 2018
- Framework for robust blind image watermarking based on classification of attacks. 76:23459-23479. 2017
- A fast algorithm of intra prediction modes pruning for HEVC based on decision trees and a new three-step search. 76:21707-21728. 2017
- Research of incoherence rotated chaotic measurement matrix in compressed sensing. 76:17699-17717. 2017
- Adaptive blind image watermarking using edge pixel concentration. 76:3105-3120. 2017
- Image retargeting using nonparametric semantic segmentation. 74:11517-11536. 2015
- Use of symmetry in prediction-error field for lossless compression of 3D MRI images. 74:11007-11022. 2015
- Simple and efficient motion estimation algorithm by continuum search. 71:1615-1633. 2014
- A novel blind detector for additive noise steganography in JPEG decompressed images. 68:1051-1068. 2014
- An adaptive LSB matching steganography based on octonary complexity measure. 64:777-793. 2013
- An efficient high payload ±1 data embedding scheme. 54:201-218. 2011
- A parametric rate-distortion model for video transcoding. 1-35.