publication venue for
- [Alcoholic cardiomyopathy--an etiological factor in heart failure-generating cardiomegaly].. 40:183-188. 1988
- [Protection of the ischemic myocardium].. 40:519-528. 1988
- [The significance of changes in the QRS complex in the severity of ventricular arrhythmia].. 40:327-332. 1988
- [Alcoholic cardiomyopathy--an etiological factor in cardiomegaly generating heart failure].. 39:349-354. 1987
- [Electrocardiographic characteristics in alcoholic cardiomyopathies].. 38:333-338. 1986
- [Treatment of malignant arterial hypertension with captopril].. 38:241-248. 1986
- [Unusual forms of clinico-biological manifestations in the post-infarction syndrome (Dressler)].. 38:313-317. 1986
- [Endomyocardial fibrosis. An anatomicoclinical report].. 37:85-92. 1985
- [Irreducible heart failure due to an anomaly of coronary topography].. 37:237-242. 1985
- [Therapeutic characteristics in heart failure in chronic congestive myocardiopathies].. 37:31-39. 1985
- [Acute heart failure secondary to late complications after heart surgery].. 36:571-575. 1984
- [Comparative value of various echocardiographic parameters in chronic cardiomyopathies].. 32:263-270. 1980