publication venue for
- I. Médecine factuelle. Naissance du concept, historique et définition. 58:688-691. 2000
- Gastroenterology: Non-peptic diseases. 50:216-232. 1992
- Gastroenterology: Peptic diseases. 50:206-214. 1992
- Hepatology. 50:233-245. 1992
- Gastroenterolgy. 1. Peptic lesions. 49:222-232. 1991
- Gastroenterology. 2. Non-peptic lesions. 49:233-245. 1991
- Hepatology. 49:246-257. 1991
- New perspectives in peptic esophagitis. 49:210-221. 1991
- Digestive system function disorders: Physiopathologic approach. 1. Introduction, chest pain, and dyspepsia. 48:225-232. 1990
- Digestive system function disorders: Physiopathologic approach. 2. Irritable bowel and constipation. 48:233-239. 1990
- Gastroenterology. 1. Peptic disorders. 48:240-248. 1990
- Gastroenterology. 2. Non-peptic disorders. 48:249-260. 1990