publication venue for
- On knots that divide ribbon knotted surfaces. 177:439-453. 2024
- Two remarks on Wall's D2 problem. 167:361-368. 2019
- On the Hilbert functions of sets of points in P^1 x P^1 x P^1. 159:115-123. 2015
- Metabelian SL(n, ) representations of knot groups IV: twisted Alexander polynomials. 156:81-97. 2014
- An infinite family of non-Haken hyperbolic 3-manifolds with vanishing Whitehead groups. 99:239-246. 1986
- Whitehead groups of certain hyperbolic manifolds. 95:299-308. 1984
- On Wh3 of a Bieberbach group. 95:55-60. 1984
- A generalized Vandermonde-type convolution and associated inverse series relations. 68:459-474. 1970