publication venue for
- The skeletal structure of Desmophyllum cristagalli : the use of deepâwater corals in sclerochronology. 32:119-130. 1999
- Mathematical determination of coiled shell volumes and surface areas. 30:213-219. 1997
- Sponge borehole size as a relative measure of bioerosion and paleoproductivity. 29:275-286. 1996
- Comparison of the organic matrix of fossil and recent bivalve shells. 29:197-202. 1996
- Effects of volcanic ashfall recorded in ancient marine benthic communities: comparison of a nearshore and an offshore environment. 29:125-139. 1996
- Biotic interactions revealed by macroborings in arctic bivalve molluscs. 21:339-350. 1988
- Algal borings and framboidal pyrite in Upper Ordovician brachiopods. 10:135-143. 1977