publication venue for
- Virtues-centered moral identity: An identity-based explanation of the functioning of virtuous leadership. 31:101421-101421. 2020
- Leading from different psychological distances: A construal-level perspective on vision communication, goal setting, and follower motivation. 26:143-155. 2015
- Attachment and emotion regulation: Compensatory interactions and leader–member exchange. 23:686-701. 2012
- Measuring the efficacy of leaders to assess information and make decisions in a crisis: The C-LEAD scale. 22:633-648. 2011
- Leadership and organizational learning. 20:1-3. 2009
- Leadership and organizational learning: A multiple levels perspective. 17:577-594. 2006
- The Leadership Quarterly Special Issue on Leadership and Organizational Learning. 17:308-309. 2006
- The Leadership Quarterly Special Issue on Leadership and Organizational Learning. 17:206-207. 2006
- Leadership and organizational learning. 17:110-111. 2006
- Transformational leadership and the dissemination of organizational goals: A case study of a telecommunication firm. 15:625-646. 2004
- The relationship between vision strength, leadership style, and context. 12:53-73. 2001