publication venue for
- Oracle Estimation of a Change Point in High-Dimensional Quantile Regression. 113:1184-1194. 2018
- Correction. 112:883-883. 2017
- Testing for Threshold Effects in Regression Models. 106:220-231. 2011
- A Directional Model for the Estimation of the Rotation Axes of the Ankle Joint. 103:1060-1069. 2008
- Bootstrap Techniques for Signal Processing. 102:1478-1479. 2007
- Cross-Validation and the Estimation of Conditional Probability Densities. 99:1015-1026. 2004
- Scan Statistics and Applications. 95:1376-1376. 2000
- Records. 94:983-983. 1999
- CRC Handbook of Tables for Order Statistics from Inverse Gaussian Distributions with Applications. 94:658-658. 1999
- Advances in the Theory and Practice of Statistics: A Volume in Honor of Samuel Kotz. 93:1527-1527. 1998
- Advances in Statistical Decision Theory and Applications. 93:1239-1239. 1998
- Discrete Multivariate Distributions.. 92:1654-1654. 1997
- The Exponential Distribution: Theory, Methods, and Applications.. 92:1221-1221. 1997
- CRC Handbook of Tables for the Use of Order Statistics in Estimation.. 92:389-389. 1997
- Continuous Univariate Distributions.. 91:915-915. 1996
- Recent Advances in Life-Testing and Reliability: A Volume in Honor of Alonzo Clifford Cohen, Jr.. 91:916-916. 1996
- Continuous Univariate Distributions.. 90:1490-1490. 1995
- A First Course in Order Statistics.. 89:358-358. 1994
- Handbook of the Logistic Distribution.. 89:362-362. 1994
- Order Statistics and Inference: Estimation Methods.. 87:909-909. 1992
- Relations, Bounds and Approximations for Order Statistics.. 85:260-260. 1990
- Robust Inference.. 83:270-270. 1988
- Required Sample Size for Categorical Matching. 79:662-667. 1984
- Lattice Path Counting and Applications.. 76:743-743. 1981
- Mathematics, Statistics and Systems for Health.. 74:930-930. 1979
- A Multi-Country Analysis of the Effects of Data Revisions on an Econometric Model. 67:286-291. 1972
- Adjustment of Monthly or Quarterly Series to Annual Totals: An Approach Based on Quadratic Minimization. 66:99-102. 1971