publication venue for
- An expectations-driven interpretation of the “Great Recession”. 60:391-407. 2013
- Learning-by-doing and aggregate fluctuations. 49:1539-1566. 2002
- Precautionary saving and portfolio allocation: DP by GMM. 48:197-215. 2001
- Dynamic complementarities: A quantitative analysis. 40:97-119. 1997
- Risk versus return in the substitutability of debt and equity securities. 26:161-178. 1990
- The response of interest rates to the Federal Reserve's weekly money announcements. 19:393-404. 1987
- An historical decomposition of the great depression to determine the role of money. 16:45-54. 1985
- A note on non-uniqueness in rational expectations models. 15:247-254. 1985
- Asymmetric price adjustment in the small 2008
- Asymmetric Price Adjustment in the Small 2006