publication venue for
- The peculiarities of magnetic flux dynamics at magnetothermal instability in textured Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta 2003
- Study of hole pair condensation based on the SU(2) slave-boson approach to the t-J Hamiltonian; Temperature, momentum and doping dependences of spectral functions 1999
- The infrared Hall effect in YBCO: Temperature and frequency dependence of Hall scattering 1999
- The Data Acquisition System for Phase-III of the BeEST Experiment. 218:74-82. 2025
- High-field ESR Studies of the Quantum Spin Dimer System Ba3Cr2O8. 170:231-235. 2013
- Neutron Diffraction Study of He Solidified in a Mesoporous Glass. 138:1013-1024. 2005
- Study of Hole Pair Condensation based on the SU(2) Slave-Boson Approach to the t-J Hamiltonian; Temperature, Momentum and Doping Dependences of Spectral Functions. 117:295-299. 1999
- The Infrared Hall Effect in YBCO: Temperature and Frequency Dependence of Hall Scattering. 117:1055-1058. 1999
- Quantum tunneling of vortices in single crystal Tl2CaBa2Cu2O8 superconductors. 97:393-401. 1994
- On the threshold pinning force in type II superconducting films. 74:293-318. 1989
- ESR studies of spin-polarized atomic hydrogen using a 114-GHz heterodyne spectrometer. 61:471-504. 1985
- Far-infrared absorption by phonons and librons in solid H2 and D2 in the ordered state. 32:185-219. 1978