publication venue for
- Faith in Heritage: Displacement, Development and Religious Tourism in Contemporary China. 30:552-553. 2015
- Religion and Tourism: Crossroads, Destinations and Encounters. 27:527-529. 2012
- Tales of Lights and Shadows: The Mythology of the Afterlife. 27:173-175. 2012
- Book Reviews. 25:463-503. 2010
- Conceptions of the Afterlife in Early Civilizations: Universalism, Constructivism and Near-Death Experience. 25:498-499. 2010
- Book Reviews. 24:237-272. 2009
- Beyond the Good Death: The Anthropology of Modern Dying. 24:269-271. 2009
- Hebrew Healing: Jewish Authenticity and Religious Healing in Canada. 21:163-182. 2006