publication venue for
- Family of bivariate distributions on the unit square: theoretical properties and applications. 51:1729-1755. 2024
- A semiparametric accelerated failure time-based mixture cure tree. ahead-of-print:1-18. 2024
- Bayesian inference for Laplace distribution based on complete and censored samples with illustrations. ahead-of-print:1-22. 2024
- On a log-symmetric quantile tobit model applied to female labor supply data. 49:4225-4253. 2022
- Stochastic EM algorithm for generalized exponential cure rate model and an empirical study. 48:2112-2135. 2021
- Nonparametric optimal designs for degradation tests. 47:624-641. 2020
- Bayesian growth curve model useful for high-dimensional longitudinal data. 46:814-834. 2019
- On a tobit–Birnbaum–Saunders model with an application to medical data. 45:932-955. 2018
- Classification rules for identifying individuals at high risk of developing myocardial infarction based on ApoB, ApoA1 and the ratio were determined using a Bayesian approach. 45:210-224. 2018
- Bayesian inference for sinh-normal/independent nonlinear regression models. 44:2052-2074. 2017
- Longitudinal data analysis of mean passage time among malnutrition states: an application of Markov chains. 43:2729-2739. 2016
- Tests of goodness of fit based on Phi-divergence. 43:412-429. 2016
- Household budget-share distributions and welfare implications: an application of multivariate distributional statistics. 42:2754-2768. 2015
- Application of skew-normal distribution for detecting differential expression to microRNA data. 42:477-491. 2015
- Capability indices for Birnbaum–Saunders processes applied to electronic and food industries. 41:1881-1902. 2014
- Bayesian and likelihood inference for cure rates based on defective inverse Gaussian regression models. 38:127-144. 2011
- On the asymptotic distribution of Cook's distance in logistic regression models. 36:1119-1146. 2009
- Statistical inference for start-up demonstration tests with rejection of units upon observingdfailures. 35:867-878. 2008
- Behavior of agreement measures in the presence of zero cells and biased marginal distributions. 35:445-464. 2008
- Exact prediction intervals for exponential distributions based on doubly Type-II censored samples. 30:783-801. 2003
- Interpretation of Kappa and B statistics measures of agreement. 24:105-112. 1997
- On the maximum likelihood estimation of the location and scale parameters of exponential distribution based on multiply Type II censored samples. 17:55-61. 1990
- The teaching of the concepts of statistical tests of hypotheses to non-statisticians. 16:355-361. 1989