publication venue for
- When Accurate Beliefs Lead to Better Lie Detection1 2004
- Racial microaggressions in U.S. and Canadian contexts: Identity, perceptions of severity and the use of mindset signalling to repair harm. 54:278-290. 2024
- Racial microaggressions: Identifying factors affecting perceived severity and exploring strategies to reduce harm. 53:1137-1150. 2023
- Self‐Efficacy and Adherence to Exercise During and as a Follow‐Up to Cardiac Rehabilitation. 38:2072-2087. 2008
- Multidimensional Role Ambiguity and Role Satisfaction: A Prospective Examination Using Interdependent Sport Teams. 35:2560-2576. 2005
- Deterring the Onset of Smoking in Children: Knowledge of Immediate Physiological Effects and Coping with Peer Pressure, Media Pressure, and Parent Modeling1. 8:126-135. 1978