publication venue for
- Evaluating the impact of Canadian cannabis legalization on cannabis use outcomes in emerging adults: Comparisons to a US control sample via a natural experiment.. 136:104686. 2025
- Clinical and public safety risks associated with cannabis legalization and frequency of cannabis use among forensic mental health patients.. 134:104622. 2024
- Impact of non-medical cannabis legalization with market restrictions on health service use and incident cases of psychotic disorder in Ontario, Canada. 123:104285-104285. 2024
- A structuration theory guided analysis of the hospitalization experience for people living with HIV who use drugs: My rules and their rules. 106:103743-103743. 2022
- Mal/adaptations: A qualitative evidence synthesis of opioid agonist therapy during major disruptions. 101:103556-103556. 2022
- Hospital policy as a harm reduction intervention for people who use drugs. 97:103324-103324. 2021
- “With a PICC line, you never miss”: The role of peripherally inserted central catheters in hospital care for people living with HIV/HCV who use drugs. 96:103438-103438. 2021
- Rules and Eligibility Criteria for Supervised Consumption Services Feasibility Studies – A Scoping Review. 88:103040-103040. 2021
- Contraband Cigarette Purchasing from First Nation reserves in Ontario and Quebec: Findings from the 2002–2014 ITC Canada Survey. 75:102612-102612. 2020
- Interventions to increase testing, linkage to care and treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among people in prisons: A systematic review. 57:95-103. 2018
- Living with addiction: The perspectives of drug using and non-using individuals about sharing space in a hospital setting. 25:640-649. 2014
- WHO guidance on the prevention of viral hepatitis B and C among people who inject drugs. 25:363-371. 2014
- HIV prevalence amongst injecting drug users in Iran: A systematic review of studies conducted during the decade 1998–2007. 23:271-278. 2012
- Effect of drug law enforcement on drug market violence: A systematic review. 22:87-94. 2011