publication venue for
- A decision support system for project portfolio selection 1998
- Organisational rewards for a changing workplace: an examination of theory and practice 1998
- Does national culture influence exploratory and exploitative innovation?. 73:235-235. 2017
- Does national culture influence exploratory and exploitative innovation?. 73:235-235. 2017
- Longitudinal knowledge strategising in a long-term healthcare organisation. 47:250-250. 2009
- Longitudinal knowledge strategising in a long-term healthcare organisation. 47:250-271. 2009
- Intellectual capital and business performance in the Portuguese banking industry. 43:212-212. 2008
- Leadership style and quality climate perceptions: contrasting project vs. process environments. 33:92-92. 2006
- Organisational learning via groupware: a path to discovery or disaster?. 27:591-591. 2004
- Teaching knowledge management and intellectual capital lessons: an empirical examination of the Tango simulation. 20:545-545. 2000
- Teaching knowledge management and intellectual capital lessons: an empirical examination of the Tango simulation. 20:545-555. 2000
- The relationship between mission and innovativeness in the airline industry: an exploratory investigation. 20:475-489. 2000
- Controlling new products: a contingency approach. 18:395-413. 1999
- Effects of firm innovation strategy on executive compensation: Evidence from the Canadian mining industry. 18:671-687. 1999
- Managing organisational knowledge by diagnosing intellectual capital: framing and advancing the state of the field. 18:433-433. 1999
- Managing organizational knowledge by diagnosing intellectual capital: Framing and advancing the state of the field. 18:433-462. 1999
- The effects of firm innovation strategy on executive compensation: evidence from the Canadian mining industry. 18:671-671. 1999
- A comparison of mission statements and their rationales in innovative and non-innovative firms. 16:64-77. 1998
- Creating the new high-performance organization through people, innovation and technology - Proceedings of the 18th McMaster Business Conference, McMaster University, Canada, 22-24 January 1997 - Introduction. 16:U11-U11. 1998
- Organizational rewards for a changing workplace: An examination of theory and practice. 16:225-238. 1998
- The impact of mission on firm innovativeness. 11:479-493. 1996