publication venue for
- Incisionless otoplasty: A retrospective review and outcomes analysis 2013
- Pediatric cricopharyngeal achalasia: A systematic review.. 186:112112. 2024
- Abscess volume as a predictor of surgical intervention in children hospitalized with orbital cellulitis: A multicentre cohort study. 171:111629-111629. 2023
- The association between pre-tonsillectomy education and postoperative emergency department returns: A retrospective cohort pilot study. 138:110314-110314. 2020
- Tracheostomy care: Clinical practice patterns of pediatric otolaryngologists-head and neck surgeons in a publicly funded (Canadian) health care system. 115:177-180. 2018
- Response to: Ultrasonographic assessment of tonsillar volume in children. 101:261-261. 2017
- Ultrasonographic assessment of tonsillar volume in children. 95:1-4. 2017
- To anticoagulate? Controversy in the management of thrombotic complications of head & neck infections. 88:129-135. 2016
- Variables associated with repeated ventilation tube insertion in healthy non-syndromic children. 84:32-36. 2016
- A systematic review of the evidence on spontaneous resolution of laryngomalacia and its symptoms. 83:78-83. 2016
- Impact of emotional distress on caregivers burden among Nigerian children with Obstructive Adenotonsillar hypertrophy. 79:858-862. 2015
- Red ear syndrome: Literature review and a pediatric case report. 79:281-285. 2015
- Intra-thyroidal hemangioma—A rare congenital anomaly: Case presentation and literature review. 78:1779-1783. 2014
- YouTube: A good source of information on pediatric tonsillectomy?. 77:972-975. 2013
- Vocal cord paralysis post patent ductus arteriosus ligation surgery: Risks and co-morbidities. 76:1637-1641. 2012
- Delayed facial nerve paresis after using the KTP laser in the treatment of cholesteatoma despite inter-operative facial nerve monitoring. 74:823-824. 2010
- An isolated hyoid fracture secondary to sport injury. 69:411-414. 2005
- Tracheoesophageal fistula: a case report. 27:173-182. 1993