publication venue for
- Co-Designing Patient Care Pathways for Population Health Management 2022
- Co-designing person-centred self-management resources for home and community care settings 2022
- Key Learnings from a Decade of Advancing Integrated Care in Ontario – The Centre for Integrated Care 2022
- Perceived Impacts, Facilitators and Barriers, and Recommendations to Support Diabetes Self-Management for Older Persons in Canada Through the Aging, Community and Health Research Unit – Community Partnership Program (ACHRU-CPP) 2022
- A complex adaptive system framework of barriers and facilitators to integrated care 2019
- Implementation and evaluation of an integrated hospital-to-home transitional care intervention for older adults with stroke and multimorbidity: a feasibility study 2019
- Provider values in the adoption of goal-oriented care: an international comparative case study 2019
- Barriers to engaging in end-of-life communication in advanced illness management: Perceptions of patients with heart failure and their family caregivers 2018
- Collaboration between Local Public Health Units and Regional Health Authorities in Canada for Integrated Health System Planning Using a Population Health Approach: Research 2018
- Caring for Caregivers: Establishing Resilience through Social Capital 2017
- Distributed versus centralized leadership in the implementation of a Canadian integrated care initiative 2017
- Evaluating the ‘Health Links’: A Case Study of the Role of Organizational Factors in Integrating Care in Ontario, Canada 2017
- Operationalizing Patient-Centered Integrated Care: The Gap between Discourse and Action 2017
- Understanding the sustainability of cross-sectoral care coordination: an exploration of two approaches to coordinating mental and physical health services 2017
- Coordination of care in the Chinese health systems: A gap analysis of service delivery from a provider perspective 2016
- Implementing a “Low-Rules” Provincial Integrated Care Initiative in Canada:The Role of Environmental & Organizational Context 2015
- The structure and effectiveness of health systems: Exploring the impact of system integration in rural China 2015
- Technology-Enabled Collaborative Care for Type-2 Diabetes and Mental Health (TECC-D): Findings From a Mixed Methods Feasibility Trial of a Responsive Co-Designed Virtual Health Coaching Intervention. 24:12-12. 2024
- Implementing a Care Coordination Strategy for Children with Medical Complexity in Ontario, Canada: A Process Evaluation. 22:9. 2022
- Community Volunteers and Primary Care Providers Supporting Older Adults in System Navigation: A Mixed Methods Study. 22:18. 2022
- Effectiveness of System Navigation Programs Linking Primary Care with Community-Based Health and Social Services: A Systematic Review. 22:197-197. 2022
- Perceived Impacts, Facilitators and Barriers to Optimize Hospital-to-Home Transitions for Older adults with Stroke and Multimorbidity through a Virtual Transitional Care Intervention. 22:272-272. 2022
- Technology-Enabled Collaborative Care for Type 2 Diabetes and Mental Health: A protocol for a feasibility study. 22:450-450. 2022
- The EMBOLDEN study: Using intervention co-design to enhance physical and community mobility in older adults. 22:66-66. 2022
- Assessing the Delivery of Coordinated Care to Patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease in Ontario, Canada: A Survey of Patients and Healthcare Professionals. 21:30. 2021
- A Contextual Analysis and Logic Model for Integrated Care for Frail Older Adults Living at Home: The INSPIRE Project. 21:9-9. 2021
- The Luohu Model: A Template for Integrated Urban Healthcare Systems in China. 18:3. 2018
- Integrated Care Planning for Cancer Patients: A Scoping Review. 17:5. 2017
- Organizational Context Matters: A Research Toolkit for Conducting Standardized Case Studies of Integrated Care Initiatives. 17:9. 2017
- “On the Margins and Not the Mainstream:” Case Selection for the Implementation of Community Based Primary Health Care in Canada and New Zealand. 17:15. 2017
- Can complexity dynamics be harnessed to improve integration of care? The implementation of the Health Links in Ontario, Canada. 17:74-74. 2017
- Organizational Context and Capabilities for Integrating Care: A Framework for Improvement. 17:75-75. 2017
- Organizational Context and Capabilities for Integrating Care: A Framework for Improvement. 16:15-15. 2016
- The Structure and Effectiveness of Health Systems: Exploring the Impact of System Integration in Rural China. 16:6. 2016
- Health Systems Integration: Competing or Shared Mental Models?. 14:e028. 2014
- Health systems integration: Competing or shared mental models?. 14:1-3. 2014
- Measuring the degree of integration for an integrated service network. 12. 2012
- Measuring the degree of integration for an integrated service network. 12:e137. 2012
- Reframing the challenges to integrated care: A complex-adaptive systems perspective. 12. 2012
- Reframing the challenges to integrated care: a complex-adaptive systems perspective. 12:e190. 2012
- Care transitions for older patients with musculoskeletal disorders: continuity from the providers’ perspective. 11:e014. 2011
- An interprofessional team approach to fall prevention for older home care clients ‘at risk’ of falling: health care providers share their experiences. 9:e15. 2009
- Interprofessional partnerships in chronic illness care: a conceptual model for measuring partnership effectiveness. 8:e08. 2008
- Providing supportive care to cancer patients: a study on inter-organizational relationships. 8:e01. 2008
- Conceptualization and measurement of integrated human service networks for evaluation. 7:e51. 2007
- Conceptualizing and validating the human services integration measure. 4:e03. 2004
- An Integrated Stroke Transitional Care Intervention Improves Physical Functioning, Self-Management and Patient Experience in Older Adults with Stroke and Multimorbidity: A Multisite Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. 23:307-307.
- Integrated primary care workforce planning in the City of Toronto: Co-development and operationalization of a fit-for-purpose planning toolkit. 22:179-179.
- Pilot randomized controlled trial of EMBOLDEN: a novel co-designed community-based intervention to enhance mobility in older adults.. 23:380-380.
- Referral of community-dwelling older adults from eight emergency departments in Canada: A secondary analysis of cross-sectional data from the interRAI multinational emergency department (ED) cohort study. 23:59.
- Strategies for engaging patients and families in collaborative mental health care. 22:157-157.
- Team Primary Care: Training for Transformation in Canada. 23:787-787.
- Technology-Enabled Collaborative Care for Diabetes and Mental Health (TECC-D): Feasibility and Satisfaction of a Co-Re-Designed Integrated Virtual Care Model. 23:255-255.
- The Unmet Needs of Patients and Carers within Community Based Primary Health Care. 17:139-139.