publication venue for
- Preface 2006
- Local Maximal Equality-Free Periodicities 2023
- Web Services/Agent-Based Model for Inter-Enterprise Collaboration 2005
- Agent Based Dynamic Information Gathering and Organization for Distributed Product Development 2004
- Improving PDM Systems Integration Using Software Agents 2003
- System Requirements: Products, Processes and Models 2003
- A PDM-Based VE-Oriented Infrastructure for Distributed Collaborative Design 2002
- Implementing Internet Enabled Virtual Enterprises Using Collaborative Agents 1999
- An Agent-Based Approach for Manufacturing Enterprise Integration and Supply Chain Management 1998
- An object-oriented approach for engineering design product modelling 1996
- On compositionality and Petri nets in protocol engineering 1996
- Formal Development of a Delay-Tolerant Multicast Protocol for Wireless Sensors 2025
- Study on Rapid Identification Methods of Transgenic Rapeseed Oil Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy 2011
- Ontological View-Driven Semantic Integration in Collaborative Networks 2009
- Linking Organizational Culture and Hospital Information Systems Implementation 2008
- A Privacy-Based Brokering Architecture for Collaboration in Virtual Environments 2007
- A Service-Oriented Framework for Integration of Shop Floor Scheduling and Control 2006
- Agent- Based Intelligent Media Distribution in Advertisement 2006
- An Agent-Based Simulation of A Jit Material Handling System 2006
- Architecture of a Web-Based Power SCADA System Using J2EE Technology 2006
- Knowledge Modelling Using The UML Profile 2006
- Making Manufacturing Changes Less Disruptive: Agent-Driven Integration 2006
- Tool Condition Monitoring in Machining - Neural Networks 2006
- Agent-Based Distributed Collaborative Monitoring and Maintenance in Manufacturing 2005
- Conceptual Modelling of Knowledge-Based Systems Using UML 2005
- Modelling Dynamic Opacity Using Petri Nets with Silent Actions 2005
- Towards an Internet Enabled Cooperative Manufacturing Management Framework 2004
- A Framework for Describing Software Architectures for Reuse 1999
- An experimental environment for exchanging engineering design knowledge by cognitive agents 1997
- Synthesising Interconnections 1997
- Towards a Compositional Interpretation of Object Diagrams 1997
- Model Reduction of Modules for State-Event Temporal Logics 1996
- Window based estimation of the intensity of a doubly stochastic Poisson process 1996
- Window based estimation of the intensity of a doubly stochastic Poisson process 1996