publication venue for
- The first target experiments on the National Ignition Facility 2007
- Reduced size of ordered moments of a quasi 1d antiferromagnet Sr2CuO3 1996
- Flux dynamics in thin films of YBa2Cu3O7−δ 1996
- Picosecond photoresponse of YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films 1996
- Superconductivity and magnetism in UPt3 1996
- Instabilities and the roton spectrum of a quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensed gas with dipole-dipole interactions. 31:439-445. 2004
- Magnetism in Rh clusters under hydrostatic deformations. 23:343-349. 2003
- N-acetyl-L-aspartic acid-N'-methylamide with side-chain orientation capable of external hydrogen bonding. 20:499-511. 2002
- The role of enhanced aromatic -electron donating aptitude of the tyrosyl sidechain with respect to that of phenylalanyl in intramolecular interactions. 20:481-497. 2002
- Vitamin E models. 20:609-618. 2002
- Electrical transport studies of epitaxial Sr2RuO4 films. 46:1113-1114. 1996
Superconductivity and Magnetism in UPt
3 . 46:781-782. 1996 - High-temperature plasticity of two-phase alloys: Constitutive laws and microstructure evolution. 45:883-891. 1995