publication venue for
- Finite size scaling of the spin stiffness of the antiferromagnetic S =½ XXZ chain. 24:77-84. 2001
- Tuning anisotropy by impurities: magnetocaloric experiments on CsNi 0.9 Fe 0.1 Cl 3. 22:461-471. 2001
- Incommensurability in the magnetic excitations of the bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain. 11:199-206. 1999
- Incommensurability in the magnetic excitations of the bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain. 11:199-199. 1999
- Low temperature penetration depth and the effect of quasi-particle scattering measured by millimeter wave transmission in YBa Cu O thin films. 5:847-858. 1998
- Microscopic measurement of the linear compressibilities of two-dimensional fatty acid mesophases. 1:57-69. 1998
- Instabilities of an elastic chain in a random potential. 3:611-623. 1993
- RNA secondary structure: a comparison of real and random sequences. 3:43-59. 1993
- Conformation changes of a polyelectrolyte chain in a poor solvent. 1:1-7. 1991