publication venue for
- Is there a u-shaped relationship between load levels and fatigue and recovery? An examination of possible mechanisms. 66:2058-2073. 2023
- Postural and muscular adaptations to repetitive simulated work. 62:1214-1226. 2019
- Development of a kinematic model to predict finger flexor tendon and subsynovial connective tissue displacement in the carpal tunnel. 58:1398-1409. 2015
- Cycle to cycle variability in a repetitive upper extremity task. 57:1405-1415. 2014
- User image mismatch in anaesthesia alarms: a cognitive systems analysis. 56:1525-1534. 2013
- Anaesthesia monitor alarms: a theory-driven approach. 55:1487-1501. 2012
- Force, frequency and gripping alter upper extremity muscle activity during a cyclic push task. 55:813-824. 2012
- Continuous assessment of low back loads in long-term care nurses. 53:1108-1116. 2010
- Continuous assessment of work activities and posture in long-term care nurses. 53:1097-1107. 2010
- Forearm posture and grip effects during push and pull tasks. 53:336-343. 2010
- Constrained handgrip force decreases upper extremity muscle activation and arm strength. 52:1144-1152. 2009
- Optimising speed and energy expenditure in accurate visually directed upper limb movements. 52:438-447. 2009
- Prediction of forearm muscle activity during gripping. 49:1121-1130. 2006
- Interfering effects of the task demands of grip force and mental processing on isometric shoulder strength and muscle activity. 48:1749-1769. 2005
- Interfering effects of the task demands of grip force and mental processing on isometric shoulder strength and muscle activity. 48:1749-1769. 2005
- The development and validation of equations to predict grip force in the workplace: contributions of muscle activity and posture. 48:1243-1259. 2005
- Muscle activity during patient transfers: a preliminary study on the influence of lift assists and experience. 47:296-306. 2004
- The effects of posture on forearm muscle loading during gripping. 46:956-975. 2003
- Effects of computer mouse design and task on carpal tunnel pressure. 42:1350-1360. 1999
- Measurement variability and sincerity of effort: clinical utility of isokinetic strength coefficient of variation scores. 41:853-863. 1998
- Assessment of physical work load in epidemiologic studies: common measurement metrics for exposure assessment. 40:51-61. 1997
- Road-accident data: interpreting the British experience with particular reference to the risk homoeostasis theory. 29:1005-1015. 1986
- Arm strength and impulse generation: Initiation of wheelchair movement by the physically disabled. 29:303-311. 1986
- Ergonomics research and the disabled. 24:821-830. 1981
- Metabolic measures to ascertain the optimal load to be carried by man. 24:393-399. 1981
- Transfers of mechanical energy within the total body and mechanical efficiency during treadmill walking. 23:147-156. 1980