publication venue for
- Shining a light on the unseen athletes: stories of exclusion and resistance among gay athletes in professional team sports. 43:1192-1207. 2024
- Engaging workers with disabilities in the financial sector: exploring promising practices through key informant interviews and a rapid literature review. ahead-of-print. 2024
- The future of work in shaping the employment inclusion of young adults with disabilities: a qualitative study. 42:75-91. 2023
- Supporting diverse health leadership requires active listening, observing, learning and bystanding. 42:346-363. 2023
- Development and implementation of a framework for estimating the economic benefits of an accessible and inclusive society. 41:318-339. 2022
- Guest editorial The benefits of inclusion: disability and work in the 21st century. 41:309-317. 2022
- Retaining and supporting employees with mental illness through inclusive organizations: lessons from five Canadian case studies. 41:435-453. 2022
- “My only solution is to work later and sleep less”: exploring the perspectives of parenting in academia in Ontario, Canada. 40:930-946. 2021
- The wounds that do not heal: Black expendability and the traumatizing aftereffects of anti-Black police violence. 40:29-40. 2020
- An assessment of employment equity and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment developments in South Africa. 30:297-317. 2011
- Gender, professions and public policy: new directions. 27:5-18. 2008
- Nurses on the Move: Migration and the Global Health Care Economy. 27:119-121. 2008