publication venue for
- Characteristics of emergency patients admitted to hospital with asthma: A population‐based cohort study in Queensland, Australia. 33:1027-1035. 2021
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of asthma emergency department presentations in diverse geographical and climatic regions, Queensland, Australia. 33:623-630. 2021
- Re: Battlefield acupuncture added no benefit as an adjunct analgesic in emergency department for abdominal, low back or limb trauma pain. 33:582-582. 2021
- The International Federation for Emergency Medicine report on emergency department crowding and access block: A brief summary. 33:161-163. 2021
FOAMS A custom search engine for emergency medicine and critical care. 27:363-365. 2015 - Why is improving pain care so hard?. 25:110-111. 2013
- Discharge planning and patient satisfaction in an emergency short‐stay unit. 18:7-14. 2006
- Whose pain is it anyway? Managing pain in the emergency department. 13:271-273. 2001
- Ketamine: Do what is right for the patient. 13:7-8. 2001