publication venue for
- How biology shapes the development of shyness within specific contexts: A longitudinal, cross-lagged investigation.. 60:2178-2188. 2024
- Shyness and inhibitory control in preschool dyads: An actor–partner model of social behavior.. 60:271-283. 2024
- The development of template-based facial expression perception from 6 to 15 years of age.. 58:96-111. 2022
- Approach-avoidance conflict and shyness: A developmental investigation.. 57:814-823. 2021
- Examining the joint development of antisocial behavior and personality: Predictors and trajectories of adolescent indirect aggression and machiavellianism.. 57:805-813. 2021
- Development of shyness across adolescence: Reactivity, regulation, or both?. 57:421-431. 2021
- Canadian children’s concepts of national groups: A comparison with children from the United States.. 56:2102-2109. 2020
- Emotional expressions reinstate recognition of other-race faces in infants following perceptual narrowing.. 56:15-27. 2020
- Young children pause on phrase boundaries in self-paced music listening: The role of harmonic cues.. 54:842-856. 2018
- Facial movements facilitate part-based, not holistic, processing in children, adolescents, and adults.. 53:1765-1776. 2017
- Eye tracking reveals a crucial role for facial motion in recognition of faces by infants.. 51:744-757. 2015
- Development of visual preference for own- versus other-race faces in infancy.. 51:500-511. 2015
- Joint trajectories of bullying and peer victimization across elementary and middle school and associations with symptoms of psychopathology.. 50:2426-2436. 2014
- Synesthesia: A new approach to understanding the development of perception.. 45:175-189. 2009
- Young children's social information processing: Family antecedents and behavioral correlates.. 43:838-849. 2007
- Longitudinal analysis of flexibility and reorganization in early adolescence: A dynamic systems study of family interactions.. 39:606-617. 2003
- Children's performance on pseudoword repetition depends on auditory trace quality: Evidence from event-related potentials.. 35:709-720. 1999
- Distinctive messages in infant-directed lullabies and play songs.. 35:527-534. 1999
- Phonological short-term memory and new word learning in children.. 33:966-979. 1997
- Mothers' and fathers' singing to infants. 33:500-507. 1997
- Mothers' and fathers' singing to infants.. 33:500-507. 1997
- Relations between prenatal testosterone levels and cognitive abilities at 4 years.. 28:1075-1089. 1992
- Development of grammatical-sensitivity, phonological, and short-term memory skills in normally achieving and learning disabled children.. 24:28-37. 1988