publication venue for
- Statistical Inference on a Stochastic Epidemic Model 2015
- OTL web interface: outlier testing in lifetime data. 53:1-22. 2024
- Sieve bootstrap test for changes between unit root and long memory process with time trend. 53:2472-2485. 2024
- A MCMC-type simple probabilistic approach for determining optimal progressive censoring schemes. 53:1758-1767. 2024
- Piecewise linear approximations of baseline under proportional hazards based COM-Poisson cure models. 53:1135-1160. 2024
- Accurate approximation of the expected value, standard deviation, and probability density function of extreme order statistics from Gaussian samples. 53:869-878. 2024
- Exact likelihood inference for Laplace distribution based on generalized hybrid censored samples. 53:259-272. 2024
- Inference for a gradually deteriorating system with imperfect maintenance. 52:5811-5829. 2023
- Generalized Birnbaum–Saunders mixture cure frailty model: inferential method and an application to bone marrow transplant data. 52:5655-5679. 2023
- Some results on multiple regression analysis with data cleaned by trimming and winsorization. 52:5082-5089. 2023
- Topp-Leone distribution with an application to binomial sampling. 52:4075-4086. 2023
- On conditional spacings from heterogeneous exponential random variables. 53:1-12. 2023
- Inference for two Lomax populations under joint type-II censoring. 51:6808-6825. 2022
- Recurrence relations for moments of order statistics from half logistic-geometric distribution and their applications. 51:6537-6555. 2022
- Exact tests for outliers in Laplace samples. 51:5794-5815. 2022
- Mis-specification analysis of the impact of covariates on the diffusion coefficient in Wiener degradation process. 51:3204-3222. 2022
- Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of student’s t Birnbaum-Saunders distribution: a comparative study. 51:793-822. 2022
- Inference for an exponentiated half logistic distribution with application to cancer hybrid censored data. 50:1178-1201. 2021
- Statistical inference based on left truncated and interval censored data from log-location-scale family of distributions. 50:1073-1093. 2021
- Bayesian superposition of pure-birth destructive cure processes for tumor latency. 49:3240-3253. 2020
- Liu-type estimator for the gamma regression model. 49:2035-2048. 2020
- Exact predictive likelihood inference for Laplace distribution based on a time-constrained experiment. 49:647-668. 2020
- On the computation of distributions of linear combinations of Laplace order statistics and their applications. 48:3031-3055. 2019
- Some simple estimators for the two-parameter gamma distribution. 48:2425-2437. 2019
- Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a multiple step-stress model from the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution under time-constraint: A comparative study. 48:1535-1559. 2019
- Performance of the almost unbiased ridge-type principal component estimator in logistic regression model. 47:2925-2937. 2018
- Underground storage tanks (UST): A closer investigation statistical implications to changing the shape of a UST. 47:2612-2623. 2018
- Restricted optimal progressive censoring. 47:1216-1239. 2018
- Likelihood inference based on EM algorithm for the destructive length-biased Poisson cure rate model with Weibull lifetime. 47:644-660. 2018
- A generally weighted moving average chart for time between events. 46:7790-7817. 2017
- Power of the adjusted Q statistic to evaluate heterogeneity in meta-analyses of cluster randomized trials. 46:7062-7073. 2017
- Two-parameter ridge estimator in the binary logistic regression. 46:7088-7099. 2017
- Inference for Type II bivariate Pólya–Aeppli distribution. 46:5981-5990. 2017
- Likelihood inference for Type I bivariate Pólya–Aeppli distribution. 46:6436-6453. 2017
- Restricted ridge estimator in the logistic regression model. 46:6538-6544. 2017
- Recurrence relations for single and product moments of progressively Type-II censored order statistics from generalized logistic distribution with applications to inference. 46:4559-4577. 2017
- Reply to the Editor in Chief. 46:00-00. 2017
- Some new methods to solve multicollinearity in logistic regression. 46:2576-2586. 2017
- A skew logistic distribution as an alternative to the model of van staden and king. 46:1-16. 2017
- Evaluating the performance of sparse principal component analysis methods in high-dimensional data scenarios. 46:1-18. 2017
- Goodness-of-fit tests for one-shot device accelerated life testing data. 46:1-12. 2017
- More on the restricted Liu estimator in the logistic regression model. 46:1-10. 2017
- On Box–Muller Transformation and Simulation of Normal Record Data. 45:3670-3682. 2016
- Residual Life Estimation Based on a Generalized Wiener Process with Skew-normal Random Effects. 45:2158-2181. 2016
- Mis-specification Analyses of Nonlinear Wiener Process-based Degradation Models. 45:814-832. 2016
- New Shrinkage Parameters for the Liu-type Logistic Estimators. 45:1094-1103. 2016
- Inference for the Birnbaum–Saunders Lifetime Regression Model with Applications. 44:2073-2100. 2015
- Small Sample Tests for Shape Parameters of Gamma Distributions. 44:1339-1363. 2015
- An Empirical Analysis of Some Nonparametric Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Censored Data. 44:1101-1115. 2015
- Exact Likelihood Inference forkExponential Populations Under Joint Progressive Type-II Censoring. 44:902-923. 2015
- Exact Likelihood Inference forkExponential Populations Under Joint Type-II Censoring. 44:591-613. 2015
- An Efficient Method of Parameter and Quantile Estimation for the Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution Based on Statistics Invariant to Unknown Location Parameter. 44:295-318. 2015
- Further Results on Order Statistics Generated by Two Simulation Methods. 43:2732-2743. 2014
- Some Further Issues Concerning Likelihood Inference for Left Truncated and Right Censored Lognormal Data. 43:400-416. 2014
- Tests for Multiple Outliers in an Exponential Sample. 43:706-722. 2014
- A Necessary Power Divergence Type Family Tests of Multivariate Normality. 42:2253-2271. 2013
- An Improved Method on Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test for Gene Selection from Microarray Experiments. 42:1563-1577. 2013
- Testing Goodness of Fit of Parametric AFT and PH Models with Residuals. 42:1352-1367. 2013
- Simultaneous Closeness ofk-Records. 42:107-120. 2013
- Model-Based Classification via Mixtures of Multivariatet-Factor Analyzers. 41:510-523. 2012
- One- and Two-Sample Bayesian Prediction Intervals Based on Type-I Hybrid Censored Data. 41:65-88. 2012
- Correlation-Type Goodness of Fit Test for Extreme Value Distribution Based on Simultaneous Closeness. 40:1074-1095. 2011
- Interval Estimation for the Difference of Two Independent Variances. 40:744-758. 2011
- Planning Life Tests Based on Progressively Type-I Grouped Censored Data from the Weibull Distribution. 40:574-595. 2011
- Bivariate Constant-Stress Accelerated Degradation Model and Inference. 40:247-257. 2011
- Corrections on “Exact Bayesian Variable Sampling Plans for the Exponential Distribution Based on Type-I and Type-II Hybrid Censored Samples”. 39:1499-1505. 2010
- Multiple-Steps Step-Stress Accelerated Degradation Modeling Based on Wiener and Gamma Processes. 39:1384-1402. 2010
- A Modified Kolmogorov–Smirnov Test for Normality. 39:693-704. 2010
- Evaluation of Beta Generation Algorithms. 38:750-770. 2009
- Pitman Closeness of Order Statistics to Population Quantiles. 38:802-820. 2009
- An Exponential Model for Damage Accumulation. 38:215-232. 2009
- Exact Bayesian Variable Sampling Plans for the Exponential Distribution Based on Type-I and Type-II Hybrid Censored Samples. 37:1101-1116. 2008
- Optimal Progressive Type-II Censoring Schemes for Nonparametric Confidence Intervals of Quantiles. 36:1247-1262. 2007
- Acceptance Sampling Plans from Truncated Life Tests Based on the Generalized Birnbaum–Saunders Distribution. 36:643-656. 2007
- Editorial. 36:1-1. 2007
- Simulation-Based Tests that Can Use Any Number of Simulations. 36:357-365. 2007
- Monte Carlo Methods for Bayesian Inference on the Linear Hazard Rate Distribution. 35:575-590. 2006
- On Regression Analysis with Data Cleaning via Trimming, Winsorization, and Dichotomization. 34:839-849. 2005
- Nonparametric Tests for Independence Between Lifetimes and Covariates from Censored Bivariate Normal Samples. 34:685-710. 2005
- BLUEs of Parameters of Generalized Geometric Distribution Using Ordered Ranked Set Sampling. 34:253-266. 2005
- A Modified Sign Test for Symmetry. 33:703-709. 2004
- Untitled. 31:VII-VII. 2002
- An alternative bayesian approach to the multivariate behrens-fisher problem. 28:243-258. 1999
- An efficient cross-validation algorithm for window width selection for nonparametric kernel regression. 22:1107-1114. 1993
- Order statistics from extreme value distribution, i: tables of means, variances and covariances. 21:1199-1217. 1992
- Order statistics from extreme value distribution, ii: best linear unbiased estimates and some other uses. 21:1219-1246. 1992
- Error Rates of a Robust Classification Procedure Based on Dichotomous and Continuous Random Variables. 18:571-588. 1989
- Referee Recognition. 18:1603-1605. 1989
- Extended tables for moments of gamma distribution order statistics. 17:471-487. 1988
- Means, variances and covariances of order statistics blue's for the type i generalized logistic. 17:51-84. 1988
- Order statistics from the type i generalized logistic distribution. 17:25-50. 1988
- A robust test for testing the correlation coefficient. 15:945-971. 1986
- On non-null distribution of ranks. 15:591-608. 1986