publication venue for
- Concordance invariants of null-homologous knots in thickened surfaces. 32:2271-2304. 2024
- Existence of mASD connections on 4-manifolds with cylindrical ends. 32:2187-2269. 2024
- Instability of some Riemannian manifolds with real Killing spinors. 30:1895-1931. 2022
- Convergence of polarizations, toric degenerations, and Newton–Okounkov bodies. 29:1183-1231. 2021
- Ancient solutions on bundles with non-abelian structural group. 28:141-187. 2020
- Inverse curvature flow in anti-de Sitter-Schwarzschild manifold. 27:465-489. 2019
- A family of steady Ricci solitons and Ricci-flat metrics. 23:611-638. 2015
- Localization for equivariant cohomology with varying polarization. 20:869-947. 2012
- The equivariant cohomology of hypertoric varieties and their real loci. 13:527-559. 2005
- Painlevé Expansions, Cohomogeneity One Metrics and Exceptional Holonomy. 12:887-926. 2004