publication venue for
- Child Welfare Services: Its Ontology of Difference. 100:1-26. 2022
- Therapeutic Visiting in Treatment Foster Care. 93:25-52. 2014
- Media analysis of early dissemination of Canadian child maltreatment surveillance data.. 89:81-101. 2010
- Research evidence utilization in policy development by child welfare administrators.. 89:83-100. 2010
- Your policies, our children: messages from refugee parents to child welfare workers and policymakers.. 88:145-168. 2009
- Responding to children's disclosure of familial abuse: what survivors tell us.. 78:259-282. 1999
- Understanding and countering racism with first nations children in out-of-home care.. 75:709-725. 1996
- Group treatment of foster children to reduce separation conflicts associated with placement breakdown.. 69:227-238. 1990
- Mediation in Child Protection Cases: An Alternative to the Adversary System. 68:21-31. 1989
- TAX-SHELTERED ANNUITIES. 44:105-105. 1965
- The effect of cross-cultural dialogue on child welfare parenting classes: Anecdotal evidence in black and white. 81:385-405.