publication venue for
- Hexaethylbenzene: A Sterically Crowded Arene and Conformationally Versatile Ligand. 83:480-499. 2018
- A Synthetic, X‐ray, NMR Spectroscopy and DFT Study of β‐Naphthil Dihydrazone, Di(β‐naphthyl)acetylene, Tetra(β‐naphthyl)cyclopentadienone, and Hexa(β‐naphthyl)‐benzene: C6(C10H7)6 Is a Disordered Molecular Propeller. 82:433-441. 2017
- [Co2(CO)6(Alkynyl)] Complexes of Dibenzosuberyl and Dibenzosuberenyl Carbocations: Dibenzotropylium or Dibenzoheptafulvene?. 81:292-306. 2016
- Generation and Dissociation of RCOOCaCl2− and other Carboxylate‐Substituted Superhalogens: CO2 Capture and Implications for Structure Analysis. 78:1184-1189. 2013
- α-(Disilylallenyl) α-amino acid derivatives from the Claisen rearrangement of propargyl glycinates. 74:927-934. 2009
- Synthesis and X-ray diffraction analysis of the tetrazole peptide analogue Pro-LeuΨ[CN4]Gly-NH2. 53:2863-2876. 1988
- Synthesis and properties of [2-[3,5-3H2]-tyrosine,4-glutamic acid]deamino-1-carba-oxytocin. 49:1921-1926. 1984