publication venue for
- Privacy and smart cities: A Canadian survey. 29:17-38. 2020
- Migration up and down Canada's urban hierarchy. 20:131-149. 2011
- Linking social exclusion and health: Explorations in contrasting neighbourhoods in Hamilton, Ontario. 16:126-148. 2007
- The organization of municipal councils in Ontario: A research note. 14:384-388. 2005
- Introduction to economic and urban issues in Canadian immigration policy. 13:1-24. 2004
- Quality of life in Saskatoon: Achieving a healthy, sustainable community. 10:237-258. 2001
- Response to environmental change in the residential house building industry in Ontario (1978 -1984). 7:1-26. 1998
- Program drift: the rational road to policy perversity. 4:21-41. 1995