publication venue for
- Effects of stand age on net primary productivity of boreal black spruce forests in Ontario, Canada 2002
- Peat surface compression reduces smouldering fire potential as a novel fuel treatment for boreal peatlands. 52:396-405. 2022
- The effects of black spruce fuel management on surface fuel condition and peat burn severity in an experimental fire. 48:1433-1440. 2018
- On improving the accuracy of digital hemispherical photography measurements of seasonal leaf area index variation in deciduous broadleaf forests. 45:721-731. 2015
- Examining the utility of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System in boreal peatlands. 42:47-58. 2012
- Sampling gap fraction and size for estimating leaf area and clumping indices from hemispherical photographs. 40:1588-1603. 2010
- Effects of symbiotic bacteria and tree chemistry on the growth and reproduction of bark beetle fungal symbionts. 39:1133-1147. 2009
- Forest floor fuel consumption and carbon emissions in Canadian boreal forest fires. 39:367-382. 2009
- Effects of stem anatomical and structural traits on responses to stem damage: an experimental study in the Bolivian Amazon. 38:611-618. 2008
- Late-summer carbon fluxes from Canadian forests and peatlands along an east–west continental transect. 36:783-800. 2006
- Forest-fire-scar aging using SPOT-VEGETATION for Canadian ecoregions. 33:1116-1125. 2003
- Effects of seasonal and interannual climate variability on net ecosystem productivity of boreal deciduous and conifer forests. 32:878-891. 2002
- Net primary productivity following forest fire for Canadian ecoregions. 30:939-947. 2000
- Evaluating insect-mediated dispersal of Scytalidiumuredinicola for biological control of western gall rust. 26:1754-1760. 1996
- Effects of clumping on estimates of stand leaf area index using the LI-COR LAI-2000. 23:1940-1943. 1993
- Characteristics of shortwave and longwave irradiances under a Douglas-fir forest stand. 21:1020-1028. 1991
- Optimal staffing of a forest fire fighting organization. 14:589-594. 1984
- A data compilation and synthesis of the impacts of seismic surveys on surface soil properties in boreal Alberta, Canada. 0.