publication venue for
- Implementing palliative care education into primary care practice: a qualitative case study of the CAPACITI pilot program. 22:143. 2023
- Perspectives across Canada about implementing a palliative approach in long-term care during COVID-19. 22:32. 2023
- Enhancing end of life care on general internal medical wards: the 3 Wishes Project. 22:11. 2023
- Increasing palliative care capacity in primary care: study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial of the CAPACITI training program. 22:2. 2023
- Adaptation, implementation, and mixed methods evaluation of an interprofessional modular clinical practice guideline for delirium management on an inpatient palliative care unit. 21:128. 2022
- Cross-cultural conceptualization of a good end of life with dementia: a qualitative study. 21:106. 2022
- Guidance for family about comfort care in dementia: a comparison of an educational booklet adopted in six jurisdictions over a 15 year timespan. 21:76. 2022
- How compassionate communities are implemented and evaluated in practice: a scoping review. 21:131. 2022
- Interdisciplinary staff perceptions of advance care planning in long-term care homes: a qualitative study. 21:127. 2022
- Advance care planning conversations in primary care: a quality improvement project using the Serious Illness Care Program. 20:122. 2021
- Bereavement interventions to support informal caregivers in the intensive care unit: a systematic review. 20:66. 2021
- How can we improve the experiences of patients and families who request medical assistance in dying? A multi-centre qualitative study. 20:185. 2021
- Using a self-directed workbook to support advance care planning with long term care home residents. 20:121. 2021
- A pilot evaluation of the Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-Term Care (SPA-LTC) program. 19:107. 2020
- Designing a Mission statement Mobile app for palliative care: an innovation project utilizing design-thinking methodology. 19:151. 2020
- Expanding the 3 Wishes Project for compassionate end-of-life care: a qualitative evaluation of local adaptations. 19:93. 2020
- Exploration of the acceptability and usability of advance care planning tools in long term care homes. 19:179. 2020
- Melatonin to prevent delirium in patients with advanced cancer: a double blind, parallel, randomized, controlled, feasibility trial. 19:163. 2020
- Perceptions of palliative care in a South Asian community: findings from an observational study. 19:141. 2020
- Potential quality indicators for seriously ill home care clients: a cross-sectional analysis using Resident Assessment Instrument for Home Care (RAI-HC) data for Ontario. 18:3. 2019
- “Whatever happens, happens” challenges of end-of-life communication from the perspective of older adults and family caregivers: a Qualitative study. 18:113. 2019
- Benchmarking time to initiation of end-of-life homecare nursing: a population-based cancer cohort study in regions across Canada. 17:70. 2018
- Community readiness and momentum: identifying and including community-driven variables in a mixed-method rural palliative care service siting model. 17:59. 2018
- Validation of a modified VOICES survey to measure end-of-life care quality: the CaregiverVoice survey. 16:44. 2017
- What are the differences among occupational groups related to their palliative care-specific educational needs and intensity of interprofessional collaboration in long-term care homes?. 16:33. 2017
- Implementing the first regional hospice palliative care program in Ontario: the Champlain region as a case study. 15:65. 2016
- The determinants of home and nursing home death: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 15:8. 2016
- The wish to die among palliative home care clients in Ontario, Canada: A cross-sectional study. 15:24. 2016
- Evaluating the systematic implementation of the ‘Let Me Decide’ advance care planning programme in long term care through focus groups: staff perspectives. 14:55. 2015
- INSPIRE (INvestigating Social and PractIcal suppoRts at the End of life): Pilot randomised trial of a community social and practical support intervention for adults with life-limiting illness. 14:65. 2015
- Initial development and psychometric testing of an instrument to measure the quality of children’s end-of-life care. 14:1. 2015
- Strategies for effective goals of care discussions and decision-making: perspectives from a multi-centre survey of Canadian hospital-based healthcare providers. 14:38. 2015
- Prevalence and risk factors of depressive symptoms in a Canadian palliative home care population: a cross-sectional study. 13:10. 2014
- The Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale modified for palliative care inpatients (RASS-PAL): a pilot study exploring validity and feasibility in clinical practice. 13:17. 2014
- A qualitative study examining the sustainability of shared care in the delivery of palliative care services in the community. 12:32. 2013
- Evaluation of the living with hope program for rural women caregivers of persons with advanced cancer. 12:36. 2013
- Hope against hope: exploring the hopes and challenges of rural female caregivers of persons with advanced cancer. 12:44. 2013
- The development of an instrument that can identify children with palliative care needs: the Paediatric Palliative Screening Scale (PaPaS Scale): a qualitative study approach. 12:20. 2013
- A proposed systems approach to the evaluation of integrated palliative care. 9:8. 2010
- Living with hope: developing a psychosocial supportive program for rural women caregivers of persons with advanced cancer. 9:3. 2010
- An evaluation of Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit from a family caregiver's perspective at end of life. 7:14. 2008
- Accuracy of prognosis estimates by four palliative care teams: a prospective cohort study. 1:1. 2002
- Factors associated with home death for individuals who receive home support services: a retrospective cohort study. 1:2. 2002
- Comparing quality indicator rates for home care clients receiving palliative and end-of-life care before and during the Covid-19 pandemic 2024