publication venue for
- Intersample variance of second-language readers should not be overlooked 2024
- Tracking reading development in an English language university-level bridging program: evidence from eye-movements during passage reading. 26:356-370. 2023
- The role of socioemotional wellbeing difficulties and adversity in the L2 acquisition of first-generation refugee children. 25:921-933. 2022
- How are words felt in a second language: Norms for 2,628 English words for valence and arousal by L2 speakers– CORRIGENDUM. 24:798-798. 2021
- How are words felt in a second language: Norms for 2,628 English words for valence and arousal by L2 speakers. 24:281-292. 2021
- The English disease in Finnish compound processing: Backward transfer effects in Finnish–English bilinguals. 23:579-590. 2020
- Inter-lingual homograph letter detection in mixed language text: Persistent missing-letter effects and the effect of language switching. 11:111-119. 2008
- Letter detection for homographs with different meanings in different language texts. 7:241-253. 2004