publication venue for
- 1-H-1 主単体法を用いたTardosの解法(学生セッション:連続最適化(1)). 2015:164-165. 2015
- GRADE 指南: Ⅳ. 证据质量分级——研究的局限性 (偏倚风险). 11:456-463. 2011
- On the Generalized Berge Sorting Conjecture (Numerical Optimization methods, theory and applications). 1584:132-141. 2008
- 25aA41P Measurements of Charge-Exchange Neutral Particle in Heliotron J 2003
- 粒状体の拘束圧および密度依存性ダイレイタンシーモデル(『地盤工学会論文報告集』Vol.39,No.6 (1999年12月発行)掲載論文の概要). 48. 2000
- Odd Central Square Solitaire (Continuous and Discrete Mathematics for Optimization). 1114:96-105. 1999
- Skeletons of some relatives of the $n$-cube(Optimization Theory and its Applications in Mathematical Systems). 899:114-120. 1995
- Skeletons of some relatives of the $n$-cube(Optimization Theory and its Applications in Mathematical Systems). 899:114-120. 1995
- Skeletons of some relatives of the $n$-cube(Optimization Theory and its Applications in Mathematical Systems). 114-120. 1995
- Wagner's theorem and combinatorial enumeration of 3-polytopes(Computational Geometry and Discrete Geometry). 872:30-34. 1994
- 009 Ancient DNA from lake sediments : Bridging the gap between paleoecology and genetics. 58:5-6.
- 299 Genetic tool for understanding long-term forest changes : analysis of ancient DNA from lakebed sediments. 58:135.
- BOF 炼钢中液滴溶胀动力学研究. 33:77-80.
- Suppression of pattern detection in apparent motion trajectory(Summaries of Awarded Presentation at the 28th Annual Meeting). 29:81-82.
- 世界の都市下水生成量および処理量の推定. 57:126-147.
- 仮現運動軌道上で生じる輝度検出の抑制(日本基礎心理学会第28回大会,大会発表要旨). 28:277.
- 円環刺激検出の時空間プロファイル : Classification imageを用いて(日本基礎心理学会第30回大会,大会発表要旨). 30:236-237.