supported publications or other works
- Abraham-Minkowski controversy Posters
- Bell-Cat States in the Central Spin and Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Models Conferences
- Caustics and branched flow in periodically and quasi-periodically driven systems Conferences
- Caustics in quantum many-body dynamics Presentations
- Dynamical instabilities and macroscopic quantum self-trapping in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate Posters
- Exact mapping of the two mode BEC onto a rigid pendulum Posters
- Logarithmic catastrophes and Stokes’s phenomenon in waves at horizons: Hawking radiation Posters
- Momentum of light in an atom Conferences
- PT-symmetry breaking transition in a flowing Bose- Einstein condensate Conferences
- Quantum Catastrophes and Near Horizon Physics in a BEC Conferences
- Quantum catastrophes and Near Horizon Physics in a BEC Conferences
- Quantum catastrophes in a rotating Bose Einstein condensate Posters
- Sonic event horizon in a Bose-Einstein Condensate Conferences
- The Abraham-Minkowski controversy Conferences
- The momentum of light in an atom Posters
- What quantum analogues teach us about the universe: a caustic point of view Presentations