selected scholarly activity
journal articles
- The Job Satisfaction Paradox: Pluralistic Ignorance and the Myth of the “Unhappy Worker”. Social Psychology Quarterly. 88:22-44. 2025
- Private Eyes, They See Your Every Move: Workplace Surveillance and Worker Well-Being. Social Currents. 11:327-345. 2024
- From flexibility to unending availability: Platform workers' experiences of work–family conflict. Journal of Marriage and Family. 86:574-592. 2024
- Dependency and Hardship in the Gig Economy: The Mental Health Consequences of Platform Work. Socius. 8:237802312210824-237802312210824. 2022
- Über-Alienated: Powerless and Alone in the Gig Economy. Work and occupations. 48:399-431. 2021
- Accumulation of economic hardship and health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Social causation or selection?. Social Science and Medicine. 275:113774-113774. 2021
- Multiple jobs? The prevalence, intensity and determinants of multiple jobholding in Canada. Economic and Labour Relations Review. 31:383-402. 2020
- Labor market influences on Women's fertility decisions: Longitudinal evidence from Canada. Social Science Research. 88-89:102417-102417. 2020
- Precarious versus Entrepreneurial Origins of the Recently Self‐Employed: Work and Family Determinants of Canadians’ Self‐Employment Transitions. Sociological Forum. 34:386-408. 2019
- An Occupational Portrait of Emotional Labor Requirements and Their Health Consequences for Workers. Work and occupations. 44:424-466. 2017
- Insecure People in Insecure Places: The Influence of Regional Unemployment on Workers’ Reactions to the Threat of Job Loss. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 58:232-251. 2017
- Ironic Flexibility: When Normative Role Blurring Undermines the Benefits of Schedule Control. Sociological Quarterly. 58:51-71. 2017
- The Pressure-Status Nexus and Blurred Work–Family Boundaries. Work and occupations. 43:3-37. 2016
- Perceived Job Insecurity and Health: Do Duration and Timing Matter?. Sociological Quarterly. 56:300-328. 2015
- The Costs of Caring: Caregiver Strain and Work-Family Conflict Among Canadian Workers. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 36:5-20. 2015
- Control in the Face of Uncertainty. Social Psychology Quarterly. 77:319-343. 2014
- The Impact of Job Insecurity and Job Degradation on the Sense of Personal Control. Work and occupations. 40:115-142. 2013
- Work–Family Role Blurring and Work–Family Conflict. Work and occupations. 39:71-98. 2012
- Education and Work-Family Conflict: Explanations, Contingencies and Mental Health Consequences. Social Forces. 89:1341-1362. 2011
- Boundary-Spanning Work Demands and Their Consequences for Guilt and Psychological Distress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 52:43-57. 2011
- Interpersonal Context at Work and the Frequency, Appraisal, and Consequences of Boundary-Spanning Demands. Sociological Quarterly. 51:205-225. 2010
- When Work Interferes with Life: Work-Nonwork Interference and the Influence of Work-Related Demands and Resources. American Sociological Review. 74:966-988. 2009
- Trouble at the Border?: Gender, Flexibility at Work, and the Work-Home Interface. Social problems. 55:590-611. 2008