awards grant
- ADOPT - Advancing optimisation technologies through international collaboration
- Assessment of Integrated Microalgal-Bacterial Ecosystems for Bioenergy Production - Optimization-based Methodology
- Development of Collaborations with the Weizmann Institute of Science and IBM Haifa
- Digital Circular Electrochemical Economy (DCEE)
- Flexible Routes to Liquid Fuels from CO2 by Advanced Catalysis and Engineering
- Hybrid modelling framework development: Closing the knowledge gap by combining empirical and fundamental models
- Isothermal Refining by Organic Solvent Nanofiltration - ISOREF
- Multiscale modelling and whole system optimization to enable a circular chemical economy
- Multiscale modelling of mechanical deterioration in lithium-ion batteries
- National Edge AI Hub for Real Data: Edge Intelligence for Cyber-disturbances and Data Quality
- Optimisation of ionic liquid-based biomass processing
- PREdictive Modelling with QuantIfication of UncERtainty for MultiphasE Systems (PREMIERE)
- Refinement Patterns for Contractual Statecharts
- Systems Development: Domain-Specific Modelling
- Towards a Series of Design Rules for Homogeneous Catalysis: Synergy Between Experiment and Theory
- Towards a Series of Design Rules for Homogeneous Catalysis: Synergy Between Experiment and Theory
- Transforming synthetic drug manufacturing: novel processes, methods and tools
- UNderstanding COmplex system eVolution through structurEd behaviouRs (UNCOVER)
- VERification-Driven Asynchronous Design (VERDAD)