awards grant
- BE/GenEn: A Biochemical, Genetic, and Genomic Investigation of the Evolution and Ecology of Sexual Reproduction
- CAREER: Exploring Mutualism Stability in a Community Context
- Collaborative Research: Dimensions US-Sao Paulo: Integrating phylogeny, genetics, and chemical ecology to unravel the tangled bank of the multipartite fungus-farming ant symbiosis
- Collaborative Research: Genetic mechanisms of conditional-expression and trait exaggeration in weapons of sexual selection
- Collaborative Research: Tipping the Scales - A selection approach to the developmental regulation of morphological scaling
- DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Population genetic structure and the evolution of specialization within a multi-species ant-microbe symbiosis
- Dissertation Research: Exploring Newly Discovered Exploitation of an Ancient Ant-Bacterial Mutualism
- GILEE: Establishing a Graduate Interdisciplinary Liberal Engineering Ethics Curriculum
- Genetic mechanisms of rapid adaptive evolution in an outbred natural population
- Genome Sequencing of Mutualistic Bacteria Associated With Fungus-growing Ants
- IRCEB: Evolutionary Ecology of the Attine Ant-Microbe Mutualism: Experimental and Molecular Approaches to Understanding Symbiosis and Coevolution
- Meeting: SICB 2014 parasitic manipulation symposium, Austin, Texas, 3-7 January 2014
- REU Site: Research in Subtropical Biology At a Hispanic Gateway Institution
- SGER: Establishing the Parthenogentic "Marmorkrebs" Crayfish as a Model Organism in North America
- Swept under the rug: A systematic analysis of genetic background effects in Drosophila
- `MO: Exploring the Symbiotic Association Between Tropical Social Insects and Actinomycetes