selected scholarly activity
- Ready or not? Learning from 30 years of experimentation with environmental water markets in the Columbia Basin (USA) 2021
- Charting the World's Water Future?. 363-366. 2019
- Reallocating Water. 141-158. 2019
- Water Science, Policy, and Management. 1-7. 2019
- Water science, policy, and management: Introduction. 1-7. 2019
- Assessing Performance of Polycentric Governance System Interactions. 173-194. 2019
- Competition in Polycentric Governance Systems. 152-172. 2019
- Conclusions. 256-260. 2019
- Introduction. 1-18. 2019
- Managing Drought and Water Scarcity in Federal Political Systems. 369-384. 2017
- The Ebb and Flow of Water Conflicts: A Case Study of India and Pakistan. 49-66. 2017
- Managing Drought and Water Scarcity in Federal Political Systems. 369-384. 2017
- Chapter 19 Environmental Water Organizations and Institutional Settings. 421-451. 2017
- Chapter 26 Defining Success A Multicriteria Approach to Guide Evaluation and Investment. 625-645. 2017
- Chapter 27 Moving Forward The Implementation Challenge for Environmental Water Management. 649-673. 2017
- Defining Success. 625-645. 2017
- Drought and Water Crises. 369-384. 2017
- Environmental Water Organizations and Institutional Settings. 421-451. 2017
- Moving Forward. 649-673. 2017
- Water Security and Adaptation to Climate Extremes in Transboundary Rivers of North America. Global Issues in Water Policy. 121-137. 2017
- NEVER WASTE A CRISIS Drought as an opportunity to bring robust water-policy reform to California. 95-108. 2016
- Exploring Private Roles in Environmental Watering in Australia and the US. 203-231. 2015
- Emerging water markets in the Columbia Basin: transaction costs and adaptive efficiency in environmental water allocation. 121-173. 2015
- Maturing water markets and public goods in the Murray–Darling Basin: scaling up water trading and transboundary governance. 174-221. 2015
- Preface and acknowledgements. vii-ix. 2015
- Systemic risks, polycentric responses: performance, principles and practices. 222-238. 2015
- Table of conversions. vi-vi. 2015
- Unlocking the past: path dependency and intertemporal costs. 74-120. 2015
- Water allocation and institutional change in a transaction costs world: an analytical framework. 35-73. 2015
- Water allocation in rivers under pressure: a large-scale collective action dilemma. 1-34. 2015
- Water Security and Society: Risks, Metrics, and Pathways. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 611-639. 2014
- Chapter 1: Federal rivers: a critical overview of water governance challenges in federal systems. 3-19. 2014
- Federal Rivers: Managing Water in Multi-Layered Political Systems. 1-362. 2014
- Federal Rivers: Managing Water in Multi-Layered Political Systems 2014
- Federal rivers: a critical overview of water governance challenges in federal systems. 3-19. 2014
- Preface. xxi-xxii. 2014
- Table of conversions. x-x. 2014
- Americas. 39-40. 2014
- Australia. 307-308. 2014
- China. 259-260. 2014
- Conclusions. 323-324. 2014
- Europe - The Spanish Experience. 139-140. 2014
- Federal Rivers Managing Water in Multi-Layered Political Systems Federal rivers: a critical overview of water governance challenges in federal systems. 3-19. 2014
- Introduction. 1-2. 2014
- South Asia. 211-212. 2014
- Southern Africa. 177-178. 2014
- Transaction Costs and Policy Design for Water Markets. Global Issues in Water Policy. 11-34. 2014
- Transboundary Water Management in Federal Political Systems: A Story of Three Semi-arid Rivers. Springer Water. 343-353. 2014
- Transboundary Water Management in Federal Political Systems: A Story of Three Semi-arid Rivers. Springer Water. 343-353. 2014
- Water security, perceptions and politics: the context for international watercourse negotiations. 37-47. 2013
- Water Security. 204-219. 2013
- Comparative Perspectives on Basin Governance in the Murray–Darling Basin: Insights from the western United States 2011
- Multiple Benefits through the Life Cycle of the Basin Plan 2011
journal articles
- Co-producing water service delivery: a scoping review and typology of informal water vending in Sub-Saharan Africa. Environmental Research Letters. 20. 2025
- Texas water markets: Understanding their trends, drivers, and future potential. Ecological Economics. 224:108259-108259. 2024
- Justice and moral economies in “Modular, Adaptive, and Decentralized” (MAD) water systems. Water Security. 21:100148-100148. 2024
- Risks from solar-powered groundwater irrigation. Science. 383:256-258. 2024
- Performance evaluation of China's agricultural water rights markets (2002–2020). Water Policy. 25:1187-1205. 2023
- Cultural water and Indigenous water science. Science. 381:619-621. 2023
- Carbon’s social cost can’t be retrofitted to water. Nature. 617:252-252. 2023
- Conservation philanthropy: Growing the field of research and practice. Conservation Science and Practice. 5. 2023
- A systems perspective on water markets: barriers, bright spots, and building blocks for the next generation. Environmental Research Letters. 18:031001-031001. 2023
- Moral economies for water: A framework for analyzing norms of justice, economic behavior, and social enforcement in the contexts of water inequality. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water. 10. 2023
- Elevating the role of water resilience in food system dialogues. Water Security. 17:100126-100126. 2022
- Markets and misfits in adaptive water governance: how agricultural markets shape water conflict and cooperation. Ecology and Society. 27. 2022
- How does hybrid environmental governance work? Examining water rights trading in China (2000–2019). Journal of Environmental Management. 288:112333-112333. 2021
- Mapping incentives for sustainable water use: global potential, local pathways. Environmental Research Communications. 3:041002-041002. 2021
- An Economic Perspective on Water Security. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. 15:45-66. 2021
- Can Philanthropy Enable Collective Action to Conserve Rivers? Insights from a Decade of Collaboration in the Colorado River Basin. Conservation and Society. 19:190-190. 2021
- Achieving water security’s full goals through better integration of rivers’ diverse and distinct values. Water Security. 10:100063-100063. 2020
- Scalable solutions to freshwater scarcity: Advancing theories of change to incentivise sustainable water use. Water Security. 9:100055-100055. 2020
- A tale of two water markets in Australia: lessons for understanding participation in formal water markets. Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 36:132-153. 2020
- Rethinking the economics of water: an assessment. Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 36:1-23. 2020
- Water reallocation, benefit sharing, and compensation in northeastern Mexico: A retrospective assessment of El Cuchillo Dam. Water Security. 8:100036-100036. 2019
- Water markets as coupled infrastructure systems: comparing the development of water rights and water markets in Heihe, Shiyang and Yellow Rivers. Water International. 44:834-853. 2019
- Understanding rivers and their social relations: A critical step to advance environmental water management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water. 6:10.1002/wat2.1381. 2019
- Realizing resilience for decision-making. Nature Sustainability. 2:907-913. 2019
- The diversity of water markets: Prospects and perils for the SDG agenda. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water. 6. 2019
- Rural water for thirsty cities: a systematic review of water reallocation from rural to urban regions. Environmental Research Letters. 14:043003-043003. 2019
- Reallocation through irrigation modernization: The ‘once-in-a-hundred-year’ opportunity of the North-South Pipeline, Australia. Water Security. 6:100028-100028. 2019
- The Water Governance Reform Framework: Overview and Applications to Australia, Mexico, Tanzania, U.S.A and Vietnam. Water (Switzerland). 11:137-137. 2019
- The paradox of irrigation efficiency. Science. 361:748-750. 2018
- Governing water in federal river basins. Regional Environmental Change. 18:1573-1578. 2018
- Water markets in federal countries: comparing coordination institutions in Australia, Spain and the Western USA. Regional Environmental Change. 18:1593-1606. 2018
- Bringing polycentric systems into focus for environmental governance. Environmental Policy and Governance. 28:207-211. 2018
- Managing the Cascading Risks of Droughts: Institutional Adaptation in Transboundary River Basins. Earth's Future. 6:809-827. 2018
- ecentralisation and drought adaptation: Applying the subsidiarity principle in transboundary river basins. International Journal of the Commons. 12:301-331. 2018
- Decentralisation and drought adaptation: Applying the subsidiarity principle in transboundary river basins. International Journal of the Commons. 12:301-301. 2018
- Groundwater governance in the Rio Grande: Co-evolution of local and intergovernmental management. Water Alternatives. 11:824-846. 2018
- Valuing water for sustainable development. Science. 358:1003-1005. 2017
- Water security, risk, and economic growth: Insights from a dynamical systems model. Water Resources Research. 53:6425-6438. 2017
- Adaptive capacity in federal rivers: coordination challenges and institutional responses. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 21:78-85. 2016
- Book Review Essay: The Hydropolitics of the Nile Revisited: Elites, Experts, and Everyday Practices in Egypt and Sudan. Global Environmental Politics. 16:151-156. 2016
- The Hydropolitics of the Nile Revisited: Elites, Experts, and Everyday Practices in Egypt and Sudan. Global Environmental Politics. 16:151-156. 2016
- Responding to Global Challenges in Food, Energy, Environment and Water: Risks and Options Assessment for Decision‐Making. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies. 3:275-299. 2016
- Governing an International Transboundary River: Opportunism, Safeguards, and Drought Adaptation in the Rio Grande. Publius. 46:170-198. 2016
- Sustaining local values through river basin governance: community-based initiatives in Australia's Murray–Darling basin. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 58:2212-2227. 2015
- Coping with the curse of freshwater variability. Science. 346:429-430. 2014
- Coping with the curse of freshwater variability: Institutions, infrastructure, and information for adaptation. Science. 346:429-430. 2014
- Managing hydroclimatic risks in federal rivers: a diagnostic assessment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 371:20120415-20120415. 2013
- Preface. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 371:20130262-20130262. 2013
- Water security in one blue planet: twenty-first century policy challenges for science. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 371:20120406-20120406. 2013
- Transaction costs and environmental policy: Taking stock, looking forward. Ecological Economics. 88:182-184. 2013
- Understanding the evolution and performance of water markets and allocation policy: A transaction costs analysis framework. Ecological Economics. 88:195-205. 2013
- Evaluating water market products to acquire water for the environment in Australia. Land Use Policy. 30:427-436. 2013
- Environmental water governance in federal rivers: opportunities and limits for subsidiarity in Australia's Murray–Darling River. Water Policy. 14:915-936. 2012
- Transaction Costs and Institutional Performance in Market-Based Environmental Water Allocation. Land Economics. 88:536-560. 2012
- Adaptive basin governance and the prospects for meeting Indigenous water claims. Environmental Science and Policy. 19-20:169-177. 2012
- Institutional Innovations to Govern Environmental Water in the Western United States: Lessons for Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin. Economic Papers. 30:167-184. 2011
- Water markets and freshwater ecosystem services: Policy reform and implementation in the Columbia and Murray-Darling Basins. Ecological Economics. 69:366-379. 2009
- Models, Assumptions, and Stakeholders: Planning for Water Supply Variability in the Colorado River Basin1. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 44:381-398. 2008