selected scholarly activity
- The Origins and Spread of Domestic Plants in Southwest Asia and Europe 2016
- The Origins and Spread of Domestic Animals in Southwest Asia and Europe 2016
- Mediterranean Islands, Fragile Communities and Persistent Landscapes 2013
- Comparative Island Archaeologies 2008
- Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology 2006
- The Çatalhöyük Flint and Obsidian Industry Technology and Typology in Context 1999
- The Qatalhöyük Obsidian Hoards: A contextual analysis of technology. 55-78. 2016
- Geographical Information Systems and Landscape Archaeology. 583-595. 2016
- Animal Ex Ploitation in the Early Neolithic of the Balkans and Central Europe. 237-252. 2016
- The Origins And Spread Of Stock-Keeping. 1-26. 2016
- An archaeological consideration of long-term socioecological dynamics on the vaca plateau, belize. 271-300. 2013
- Multiscalar Approaches to Settlement Pattern Analysis. 217-234. 2006
- Multiscalar Approaches to Settlement Pattern Analysis. 217-234. 2006
- Spatial Interpolation. 118-134.
journal articles
- Early Palisaded Villages in Southwestern Ontario. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology. 48:173-202. 2023
- Inundated cultural landscapes: an introduction. World archaeology. 54:1-5. 2022
- The Archaeology of Inundated Cultural Landscapes in Freshwater Lake Systems: Preliminary Insights from a Multi-Methods Study in the Kawartha Lakes Region, Ontario. Journal of Maritime Archaeology. 16:353-370. 2021
- Dating the Late Archaic at the Davidson Site (AhHk-54), Ontario. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology. 46:157-184. 2021
- Archaeology and paleogeography of a Lake‐Wetland complex: Modeling the postglacial evolution of the Kawartha Lakes, Ontario. Geoarchaeology. 35:433-450. 2020
- Neolithic population crash in northwest Europe associated with agricultural crisis. Quaternary Research. 92:686-707. 2019
- Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use. Science. 365:897-902. 2019
- Margins of the centre or critical peripheries?. World archaeology. 51:347-354. 2019
- Variation in late holocene marine environments in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: Evidence from ringed seal bone collagen stable isotope compositions. Quaternary Science Reviews. 211:136-155. 2019
- New evidence of broader diets for archaic Homo populations in the northwestern Mediterranean. Science Advances. 5:eaav9106. 2019
- Vulnerability, risk, resilience: an introduction. World archaeology. 50:547-553. 2018
- Population structure of caribou in an ice‐bound archipelago. Diversity and Distributions: A journal of biological invasions and biodiversity. 24:1092-1108. 2018
- New insights on plant domestication, production intensification, and food storage: the archaeobotanical evidence from PPNA Dhra‘. Levant. 50:14-31. 2018
- Costly signalling in archaeology: origins, relevance, challenges and prospects. World archaeology. 49:435-445. 2017
- Regional Settlement Demography in Archaeology by Robert D. Drennan, C. Adam Berrey, and Christian E. Peterson Clinton Corners, NY: Eliot Werner Publications Inc., 2015. 180 pp.. American Anthropologist. 119:375-376. 2017
- A comprehensive test of the Locally-Adaptive Model of Archaeological Potential (LAMAP). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 11:59-68. 2017
- The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers. By Vicki Cummings, Peter Jordan & Marek Zvelebil (eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford 2014, 1330 pp. ISBN 9780199551224. £ 125.00 (Hardcover).. Journal of African Archaeology. 12:245-247. 2014
- Wild plant use in European Neolithic subsistence economies: a formal assessment of preservation bias in archaeobotanical assemblages and the implications for understanding changes in plant diet breadth. Quaternary Science Reviews. 101:193-206. 2014
- THE MYCENAEAN SEMINAR 2012–13. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. 57:125-134. 2014
- Mapping Archaeological Landscapes from Space. Douglas C.Comer and MichaelHarrower (Eds.). 2013. Springer Briefs in Archaeology (Vol. 5). Springer, New York. xvi + 276 pp., ISBN: 978‐1‐4614‐6074‐9, $49.95 (paperback).. Geoarchaeology. 29:173-175. 2014
- The origins and spread of stock-keeping: the role of cultural and environmental influences on early Neolithic animal exploitation in Europe. Antiquity. 87:1046-1059. 2013
- The Long-Term Ecology of Agricultural Terraces and Enclosed Fields from Antikythera, Greece. Human Ecology. 41:255-272. 2013
- Corporate kin-groups, social memory, and "history houses"? A quantitative test of recent reconstructions of social organization and building functions at Çatalhöyük during the PPNB. Journal of Archaeological Science. 40:1816-1822. 2013
- A locally-adaptive model of archaeological potential (LAMAP). Journal of Archaeological Science. 39:3371-3385. 2012
- Species distribution modelling of ancient cattle from early Neolithic sites in SW Asia and Europe. Holocene. 22:997-1010. 2012
- Intensive Survey Data from Antikythera, Greece. Journal of Open Archaeology Data. 1:e3-e3. 2012
- ROMAN POTTERY FROM AN INTENSIVE SURVEY OF ANTIKYTHERA, GREECE. Annual of the British School at Athens. 106:47-98. 2011
- Terraced fields and Mediterranean landscape structure: An analytical case study from Antikythera, Greece. Ecological Modelling. 222:1303-1314. 2011
- Meta-analysis of zooarchaeological data from SW Asia and SE Europe provides insight into the origins and spread of animal husbandry. Journal of Archaeological Science. 38:538-545. 2011
- From Fabrics to Island Connections: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches to the Prehistoric Pottery of Antikythera. Annual of the British School at Athens. 105:1-81. 2010
- Reassessing the evidence for the cultivation of wild crops during the Younger Dryas at Tell Abu Hureyra, Syria. Environmental Archaeology. 15:124-138. 2010
- Vegetation recolonisation of abandoned agricultural terraces on Antikythera, Greece. Environmental Archaeology. 15:64-80. 2010
- Modelling spatial heterogeneity and nonstationarity in artifact-rich landscapes. Journal of Archaeological Science. 36:956-964. 2009
- Founder effect, drift, and adaptive change in domestic crop use in early Neolithic Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science. 35:2797-2804. 2008
- Community archaeology at Minanha: Some preliminary insights from the Phase II settlement study. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology. 5:149-158. 2008
- Testing the Hinterland: The Work of the Boeotia Survey (1989-1991) in the Southern Approaches to the City of Thespiai (review). Mouseion. 52:299-306. 2008
- The spread of Neolithic plant economies from the Near East to northwest Europe: a phylogenetic analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science. 35:42-56. 2008
- Book review: The widening harvest. The Neolithic transition in Europe: looking back, looking forward. Holocene. 16:305-306. 2006
- The evolution of Neolithic farming from SW Asian origins to NW European limits. European Journal of Archaeology. 8:137-156. 2005
- Archaeobotanical evidence for the spread of farming in the eastern Mediterranean. Current Anthropology. 45. 2004
- Archaeobotanical Evidence for the Spread of Farming in the Eastern Mediterranean. Current Anthropology. 45:S35-S58. 2004
- GIS, Archaeological Survey, and Landscape Archaeology on the Island of Kythera, Greece. Journal of Field Archaeology. 29:123-138. 2004
- GIS, Archaeological Survey, and Landscape Archaeology on the Island of Kythera, Greece. Journal of Field Archaeology. 29:123-123. 2002
- Technical strategies and technical change at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Antiquity. 73:791-800. 1999
- The Early Prehistory of the Sakçagözü Region, North Levantine Rift Valley: Report on 1995 Survey Season. Anatolian Studies. 46:53-81. 1996
- An Early Hunter-Gatherer Cemetery in the Canadian Lower Great Lakes. Archaeology International. 18:45-50.
- Early Neolithic agriculture in Southwest Asia and Europe: re-examining the archaeobotanical evidence. Archaeology International. 5.
- Early Neolithic agriculture in Southwest Asia and Europe: re-examining the archaeobotanical evidence. Archaeology International. 5:44-46.
- The fragile communities of Antikythera. Archaeology International. 10:32-36.