(6) Presentations of our outreach work at various conferences: COCKCROFT, R. “Furthering decolonization and reconciliation via a portable planetarium”, Western Conference on Science Education, 2023, London, Ontario. Ledger, B., COCKCROFT, R., Karam, J., & Laing, J. “Traveling with the stars: Extending our reach with the new portable planetarium”, Astronomy Education Conference 2023, Toronto, Ontario. Ledger, B. & COCKCROFT, R. “Total Eclipse of the Hammer”, Ontario Association of Physics Teachers Conference 2023, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario. Ledger, B. & COCKCROFT, R. “A search for the extraordinary: Leading a scavenger hunt in Stellarium”, Ontario Association of Physics Teachers Conference 2023, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario.