selected scholarly activity
- Interactions between Climate Change and Contaminants. 157-180. 2022
journal articles
- Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology.. Journal of Biology. 23:35. 2025
- Time-energy budgets outperform dynamic body acceleration in predicting daily energy expenditure in kittiwakes, and estimate a very low cost of gliding flight relative to flapping flight.. Journal of Experimental Biology. 227:jeb247176. 2024
- Engagement of early career researchers in collaborative assessments of IPCC reports: achievements and insights. Frontiers in Climate. 6. 2024
- Amino acid-specific isotopes reveal changing five-dimensional niche segregation in Pacific seabirds over 50 years. Scientific Reports. 14:7899. 2024
- A meta‐analysis of the impact of drones on birds. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2024
- Stable Mercury Trends Support a Long-Term Diet Shift Away from Marine Foraging in Salish Sea Glaucous-Winged Gulls over the Last Century. Environmental Science and Technology. 56:12097-12105. 2022
- Mercury, legacy and emerging POPs, and endocrine-behavioural linkages: Implications of Arctic change in a diving seabird. Environmental Research. 212:113190-113190. 2022
- Warming in the land of the midnight sun: breeding birds may suffer greater heat stress at high- versus low-Arctic sites. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 289:20220300. 2022
- Potential disruption of thyroid hormones by perfluoroalkyl acids in an Arctic seabird during reproduction. Environmental Pollution. 305:119181-119181. 2022
- Biophysical indicators and Indigenous and Local Knowledge reveal climatic and ecological shifts with implications for Arctic Char fisheries. Global Environmental Change. 74:102469-102469. 2022
- Resting costs too: the relative importance of active and resting energy expenditure in a sub-arctic seabird. Journal of Experimental Biology. 225:jeb243548. 2022
- Limited heat tolerance in a cold-adapted seabird: implications of a warming Arctic. Journal of Experimental Biology. 224:jeb242168. 2021
- Limited heat tolerance in an Arctic passerine: Thermoregulatory implications for cold‐specialized birds in a rapidly warming world. Ecology and Evolution. 11:1609-1619. 2021
- Variation in the diet of beluga whales in response to changes in prey availability: insights on changes in the Beaufort Sea ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 647:195-210. 2020
- A comparison of diet estimates of captive beluga whales using fatty acid mixing models with their true diets. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 516:132-139. 2019
- Body condition impacts blood and muscle oxygen storage capacity of free-living beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). Journal of Experimental Biology. 222:jeb191916. 2019
- Diet and feeding observations from an unusual beluga harvest in 2014 near Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada. Arctic Science. 4:1-11. 2018
- A comparison of the trophic ecology of Beaufort Sea Gadidae using fatty acids and stable isotopes. Polar Biology. 41:149-162. 2018
- Inter-annual variation in environmental factors affect the prey and body condition of beluga whales in the eastern Beaufort Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 579:213-225. 2017
- Lipid removal and acidification affect nitrogen and carbon stable isotope ratios of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) and their potential prey species in the Beaufort Sea ecosystem. Marine Biology. 163. 2016
- Trophic variability of Arctic fishes in the Canadian Beaufort Sea: a fatty acids and stable isotopes approach. Polar Biology. 39:1267-1282. 2016
- Latitudinal variation in ecological opportunity and intraspecific competition indicates differences in niche variability and diet specialization of Arctic marine predators. Ecology and Evolution. 6:1666-1678. 2016
- Status and trends in the structure of Arctic benthic food webs. Polar Research. 34:23775-23775. 2015
- Examining the Health and Energetic Impacts of Climate-Induced Prey Shifts on Beluga Whales Using Community-Based Research. Arctic. 67:570-570. 2014
- The impact of municipal wastewater effluent on field‐deployed freshwater mussels in the Grand River (Ontario, Canada). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 33:134-143. 2014
- Contamination of an arctic terrestrial food web with marine-derived persistent organic pollutants transported by breeding seabirds. Environmental Pollution. 158:3431-3438. 2010
- Potential causes of enhanced transfer of mercury to St. Lawrence River Biota: implications for sediment management strategies at Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. Hydrobiologia. 647:81-98. 2010
- An isotopic investigation of mercury accumulation in terrestrial food webs adjacent to an Arctic seabird colony. Science of the Total Environment. 408:1858-1867. 2010
- Spatial and Temporal Trends of Mercury Concentrations in Young-of-the-Year Spottail Shiners (Notropis hudsonius) in the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall, ON. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 54:473-481. 2008
- Characterization of microbiomes from tree swallow nestling fecal samples collected from colonies near a wastewater treatment plant. 2024
- Characterization of microbiomes from tree swallow nestling fecal samples collected from colonies near a wastewater treatment plant. 2024
- The Hunt for Environmental Antimicrobial Resistance: A metagenomic analysis of the gut microbiome of tree swallows. 2024
- Characterization of microbiomes from tree swallow (\emTachicyneta bicolor) nestling fecal samples collected from colonies near a wastewater treatment plant. 2024
- Environmental impact on genetic diversity in gut microbiomes of Tachycineta bicolor: a metagenomic analysis of antimicrobial resistance genes. 2024